12.30.2290 - Ghouls

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"Everything you want is on the other side of fear." - Jack Canfield

With his vision blurred Nate eyed around the new darkness. The fall hadn't broken anything, just left him with a headache and teary eyes. Strangely enough though, where light should have been falling through in a newly made hole was only darkness. Gathering his wits about him he stood up and dusted himself off. "Marshal!" Nate yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth. "No shit he's not going to reply," Nate muttered. Squinting his eyes to adjust them he began to make out an outline of an abandoned cellar. In addition, he noticed what looked like the outline of a man. "The hell," he breathed.

Before Nate could react the silhouette turned into a dazzling display of light. Raising his arm to shield his eyes only one thought crossed his mind, ghoul.

"Who dare enter this place?" A raspy voice boomed.

"Nate Forger, private in the NCR," Nate said, now staring straight at the lit figure

"Well then, prepare for your doom," the figure said hefting what appeared to be a weapon onto his shoulder. Nate heard a whirring noise begin to start. Just in the nick of time Nate barrel rolled to the left, narrowly avoiding the beam of light that shot forth from the figure's weapon.

"I swear, I'm not here to hurt you!" Nate placated.

"I know your kind smooth skin. I won't let you kill my people. However, if you're ever in need of assistance, just come back here."

"What?" Nate asked, clearly confused.

"Goodbye smooth skin," the ghoul said aiming his gun at Nate.

"No!" Nate shouted as a beam of light pierced his chest.

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