05.31.2284 - Beware, Deathclaws Inside.

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"Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here." - Marianne Williamson

While making their way to the vault the brothers passed a small town. Picking their way through the rubble they found only RadRoaches. "What do you think we'll find when we get to the vault?" Nate asked.

"Uh, not sure. Could be a pile of dead bodies, hostile vault dwellers or maybe... Deathclaws!" Lyle jumped around his hands in the air to scare Nate.

"Oh, piss-off," Nate said punching Lyle in the arm.

"Really though, I have no idea," Lyle said pondering the unknown that awaited them.

"This place has been picked clean, let's move on." Nate said tossing aside the bleached bones of a Brahmin carcass.


Shortly after the two left the town they began noticing strange signs. Almost all of them had the same message: TURN BACK NOW!

Ignoring them for now the two continued forward pushing through the desert...

"We're here." Lyle said holding the Pip-Boy in front of his face.

"Are you sure?" Nate questioned looking at the cave in front of him. All around the edges of it were more signs, but this time they held a clear message. BEWARE, DEATHCLAWS INSIDE. "Lyle, I think we should go."

"No, the Pip-Boy says it's right here. Sign or no sign I'm going in." Lyle replied a grim expression painted on his face. Preparing himself he lifted up his bag and got ready to enter, the lion's den...

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