3| Choices

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Music, Dancing, and Drunkenness. Those are three words I would definitely use to describe the parties here at dauntless.

We always have parties on the weekends. Random ones, formal ones, or just a regular celebration with music and dauntless cake. Tonight dauntless was hosting a formal one to celebrate the new initiates coming in.

"What color should I wear, black or red?" Christina sits down in front of me with her lunch.

It's been a week since choosing day. This week felt like one whole day. Wake up, eat, train, sleep. An endless cycle that is going to last for another 6 months.

"Uhm..." Christina would look good in black, but red would make her stand out more.

"I'd say black if you want to blend in, but wear red if your looking for attention" I say.

"Black it is!" She picks up her fork.

I then remember her telling me about Will. She was in love with him, I could tell by the way she talked about him.

Would I be able to fall in love?

I stare at my food regretting what I said.

"I cannot WAIT for tonight" Alice cheerfully sits down next to me. "I'm going to get crazy drunk and just go to my apartment, maybe catch some dessert before... if you know what I mean"

"I'm just going to get drunk and pass out" Christina casually says, taking a sip of her drink.

"That's an option too!" She grins.

"Pleasee, remember when we all got drunk at that one random party in the summer?" I laugh.

There was this one summer night in July where we all got drunk, dancing without a care in the world. That resulted in William getting a tattoo of a toilet and all of us waking up on Christina's apartment floor.

"Oh my god yes when Peter literally almost fell into the chasm!!" Alice wheezes, her laugh sounded like it came from deep inside of her.

"I was so out of it I barely remember what happened!" I reply.

"What did I do?" Peter sits next to me and slams his tray down.

"When you almost went swimming" I sarcastically say.

"Um I'm not processing" he frowns.

"When you almost died"

"OH! Yea that was not funny. Did you know I was reenacting Christina hanging off of the rail while everyone watched? Or... were you too drunk to notice" 

"Peter what the hell?" I turn my head quickly.

"Are you crazy-" Alice leans forward to get a better look at him.

Christina starts hysterically laughing. "Oh my god that was so funny!"

We watched her for a few seconds.

"you're laughing?" I ask, making a face.

"That is dark..." Alice exaggerates.

"Calm down! I'm not that fragile, I was a stupid initiate" she continued to laugh.

Soon Alice and I started laughing and Peter did too. Even though it wasn't supposed to be funny, it was good to see Christina laughing again.

A New Beginning [ divergent x reader ] (not complete) Where stories live. Discover now