5| The Party (part 2)

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Someone grabs my arm and it's Christina. She grinned widely.

"I don't know what THAT was about, but if I were you, I would have punched him in the face" she leans over and almost trips over herself. She almost drops the cup she has in her hand. "Tris would have" she wheezes.

Yep. She was drunk. Especially since she's talking about Tris.

I groan. "Come on let's go"

"No no no! Wait you haven't even danced with me yet!" She stops to stare at me. "What the hell y/n?"


"You are SOBERRR" Christina elongates the last word. "Come on let's drink"

"Oh I've think you've had enough" I point a finger at her and I start dragging her through the crowd.

"y/n? Where are you going now?"

William stops in-front of us.

"Hey William!! Oh don't tell me your sober too" she whines.

"Christina is drunk, I'm bringing her to her apartment" I explain.

He mouths the word "oh" and I walk passed him.

"Hey man!!" She lifts her drink at him. I tug at her arm.

"Ow! Way to ruin the party" she whispers in my ear. She takes a huge swig and drops it on the floor.

I felt bad for William, that I couldn't stay any longer. I just left him hanging there. But I had to get her home.

I tried to look around for Alice but I couldn't find her. I couldn't find Peter either. Maybe they were somewhere in the crowd.

"Hey have you seen Peter?" Vincent appears.

"No, have you seen Alice?" I scan the pit.

"She said they were going to the bar but they weren't there"

"I'm taking Christina home, if you find her could you call me?" I ask.

"Maybe she's jumping his bones!" Christina suggests.


"I mean, she could be right" Vincent puts a fist over his mouth and starts laughing.

Alice could do whatever she wants of course, but Peter? Alice could fall easily for him and he could easily break her.

What if Peter is just really a nice guy? Maybe I just don't really know him that well.

I just hope that Alice doesn't make the wrong choices.

"Just let me know Vince" I roll my eyes and walk Christina to her apartment.


"Did you know? Four and Tris like hated each other at first. It was funny, not gonna lie. But the tensionn... oooh. Will and I would talk about them all the time"

I lifted her legs onto her bed and she grins at me.

"Oh really?" I ask her.

She nods slowly and yawns. "I don't know what's going on with Four, but he should be all over you right now"

"Hey! Let's not talk about him" I tell her. "Also he has a girlfriend"

"HAD" she corrects me. "Also your hot! How could he not"

"So Tris isn't your friend anymore?"

She ignores that question. "But really, It's like history is repeating itself again" she lifts up the covers and gets under it.

"What?" I question.

"Yea! I'm telling you after a while, those two were inseparable. Also Four nicked her ear with a knife, and that's when I knew" she explains. "Right before you know it, you and him will be like that"

"I am NOT going to date Four" I say. "Not my type and I am definitely not going to be her replacement.

"Mhm..., just you wait" she boops my nose and she gets comfortable. "I wouldn't consider it a replacement....it could be... a new start!"

"Night Chris!" I turn off her lamp and she is already out. I clean her apartment a bit and I was out in minutes.

And it's true. I wouldn't date him. He's been through a lot from what I've heard.

I went through initiation after Jeanine had died. Things went kind of back to normal after her death, new rules were set to keep everyone safe, divergents and abnegation. As I was going through initiation Tris and Four both taught our class. They seemed happy. At the parties they would be singing together, in the hallways they would hold hands and they would always be having a conversation with each other, smiling.

I can't date him, because Tris seemed like his soulmate. I couldn't take that away from him, not now or ever.

Im sure his friends are helping him out, but how can I be sure if he's letting them?

I'm working with him on the initiates. I should be looking out for him even if it means that I'm nobody to him. Even if he hates me.

I want to help him out, I just don't know if that will do any good for him.

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