8| Mind full of thoughts

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"Four?" I stare at him.

He squints and puts a hand infront of his face. As I stared at him I tried to think of all the possible reasons he could be up here.

"What are you doing?"

He sighs and I turn my flashlight off. He looked sad, he looked as if this was the only place he wanted to be right now.

"I just wanted to come up here" he starts. He looks off into the distance.

You could see all of Chicago from up here. All of the buildings that once were full of light, now abandoned and crumbling to the ground. Light only shined in the middle of the city and off in the distance where abnegation and amity were.

"I hope you're not planning to jump" I tell him.

He chuckles and he grasps one of the rails. "Don't worry, I'm not"

"Did you just want to come up here for fun?"

Maybe he enjoyed it up here. Maybe he just wanted some quiet from everybody.

I'd understand.

He turns to look back at me. "Something like that"

I carefully move over to sit next to him on the metal platform. Not close, but about a foot away.

"What is that something?" I calmly ask.

He analyzes his fingers and he rubs his hands together. It was pretty chilly out here.

"I come up here almost everyday" he tells me. "I come up here because of her" his voice cracks when he says her.

"Tris?" That was my first guess.

He hesitates, but then nods. "She would joke around about how Im afraid of heights." He laughs a little, and blinks quickly. "During her first war game, we climbed this Ferris wheel together to find the flag"

So it was her. I imagined both of them climbing this Ferris wheel, how he had something huge to remember her by. How they met here, and how they've went through so much. I cant imagine loosing someone like how he lost Tris.

Where would Tris be now?

"Are you still afraid of heights?" I become curious.

"No... well, yes. I hide that fear deep down inside of me"

I nod. I wondered what his fear landscapes were like. Is he just afraid of heights? He seems like he would only have one or two fears, I thought. I'd probably never truly know.

He wouldn't open up to me that much. Not to his training partner, not to someone who doesn't know him at all.

"Please don't tell anyone about this" he asks me. He wipes his left cheek. It looked like he wiped away a tear.

He seemed too strong to cry.

"Why are you telling me then?" I watch him.

He presses his lips together. "Because you seem to be the only one that cares"

Oh? I stare at him confusingly.

"Besides Zeke and Lauren of course but... they leave me alone to deal with my problems. They don't like to get in the way of them"

"Oh. But I do?" I question him.

"But you do" he confirms. "It's kind of annoying"

I laugh a bit. "Do you want me to stop?"

He looks at me and shakes his head. "I don't know..."

What does that mean?

What am I supposed to say next?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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