6| Why?

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I didn't see Alice or Peter until that very next morning. Vincent never called me, I texted him to see if he has seen her.
you: have you seen Alice or Peter since last night??

Vince: no, but they are here eating

you: alr, i just hate that she left without telling me

Vince: maybe she just didn't want you in her business?

you: I'm just worried about her. Peter isn't really a guy I would trust to be alone with her

Vince: trust me he's fine, you have nothing to worry about
Read at 7:03am
I don't know why she never told me where she was going, she could've been anywhere. If she had drank enough she could've been getting a stupid tattoo or floating at the bottom of the chasm for all I know.

"Where the hell did you go during the party?" I find Alice at our usually table and sit in-front of her.

"Huh?" She crunches on a piece of bacon. "Oh I was with Peter. Sorry I wasn't thinking"

"With Peter?, what were you doing with him?"

"Yea what were you doing with him?" Christina sits down next to me with her food. "Also I remember nothing last night so if I did something...don't blame me I was drunk"

"I had to drag you to your apartment" I smirk.

"We were just walking around" Alice tells us. Christina and I forget about our conversation.

"That's it? He didn't like force himself on you or try to balance you on the chasm rail?" Christina emphasizes.

She sighs. "No! Guys he's not that bad. Give him a chance. Nothing happened"

"What the hell makes you think that??" I ask her like she was delusional. Peter was always an ass, to me, to everyone he's ever met. Unless he has a good side that he's always been hiding.

I doubt that.

"He's funny! And he's nice when he wants to be. It was nice actually... we walked around the chasm, he told me stories about his initiation... things like that"

"Peter being nice?" Christina laughs. "He's only nice when necessary"

"You guys haven't met him" She crosses her arms.

"Oh I have, definitely have" Christina mentions. "Did you forget when I told you how he switched to Jeanine AND David's side?? And when he tried to kill Tri-

"Well that was the past. This is reality, and maybe he just doesn't like you?"

"Can we stop arguing about Peter?" I raise my eyebrows.

Alice sighs.

"Fine, hang out with Peter I guess" Christina looks down at her food.

"If you think it's right, be friends with him" I say.

"Thank you!" Alice holds her hand out.

"But be careful please!" I tell her.

I hope she's careful. Peter isn't so bad now but by his past, it's hard to see him being THAT nice to a girl like Alice.

"First and last jumper, in the ring!" Four announces.

Today is Monday, the start of initiate fights. Now that they have mastered punching skills and the basics of offense and defense, they are now going to show what they know.

Lexie looks around nervously and she walks from the punching bags, stepping onto the platform. The last jumper ended up to be Jack. He confidently jumps up onto the platform and he smiles at her. The bright light above shines on them.

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