7| Selfless

353 9 1

I stared at my dinner while thinking about yesterday. What is going on between Alice and Peter? Are they just friends now? Is Christina okay? Does Four hate my guts?

Where has William been?

I worry too much about others, I feel like I'm just the person in the middle of all of this.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. It was William.

"Hey! Where have you been?" I ask.

"Hey..." he sits in the empty seat next to me. "I've just been with my friends, mostly working on myself in the training room"

"Oh that's good..." I reply, smiling. Part of me felt like he was bothered about something. Part of me felt like he needed to get something off of his chest.

I had to apologize about the dance.

"I'm sorry, for what happened at the dance. I just left you alone and we were in the middle of dancin-"

"No its fine! I know you had a lot going on with Four, Christina being drunk..."

"It really wasn't a lot" I say. "It's my fault"

"No really, it's fine" he grins and puts a hand on my leg.

I smile back, ignoring the fact that he touched my leg. I guess he was just showing some comfort.

"By the way where is Alice?" I realized she never came to sit with Christina and I.

Christina looks up and raises her eyebrows. "There"

I look at the other side of the cafeteria and I see her, laughing with Peter. They sat next to each other with nobody else around and they fed each other food.


"Aww look at them..... couple goals!" William chuckles.

"They are definitely not together" I correct him, just observing what my eyes were seeing.

"They won't make it" Christina says and she goes back to eating.

I bite my lip and I look away from them. Four is still eating alone. Once in a while I see Zeke or Lauren or both of them go back over there to sit with them, but they end up leaving a few minutes later.

We finished eating and we were walking to our apartments separately. I saw some dauntless members were hanging out in the pit, dauntless leaders were discussing leader things, whatever they plan. I never thought of myself as a dauntless leader. It seems so... boring.

"Hey y/n wait up!" I hear Alice behind me as I walk up the metal stairs.

"hey... how are you?" I ask.

"Really good! You?"

"I could be better" I simply say.

"Oh are you okay?"

I nod. There was an awkward silence between us.

"Are you okay with Peter and I hanging out?" She asks out of the blue.

"Yea sure"

I say nothing after that.

She sighs. "Alright, tell me the truth"

"What? I said im fine" I refused to tell her that I was completely not okay with it.

"Your lying again!" She confirms. She then steps infront of me and we were on the chasm bridge.

I stand there, thinking of what to say. Also how could she tell I was lying?

"Alice I really have to get to my apartment, we can talk about this later..."

A New Beginning [ divergent x reader ] (not complete) Where stories live. Discover now