Part Fifteen

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"God knows what is hiding in this world of little consequence, Behind the tears, inside the lies. A thousand slowly dying sunsets, God knows what is hiding in those weak and drunken hearts. Guess the loneliness came knocking. No one needs to be alone "

Karlie's P.O.V.

A month has gone by and Taylor and I have not talked much at all. And how could I blame her? I had made it obvious I loved her but only to promise to marry someone else. I try not to think of the blonde and her usual perky self, but sometimes I slipped. Last Monday I caught myself wanting one of her dishes for dinner, then my mind lead me to pure evil and had me wishing I could help her clean up after dinner, with the real intentions of pulling her away to the bedroom. That is when I caught myself and shook the thoughts away.

However there was something different about today, something I did not offer giving much thought to because I would have gone back and chickened out. As i arrived to our apartment I turned the ring back and forth on my finger. I did this so much I was surprised a chalice had not grown. When I made it to our door, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, knowing that what I was about to do left me with no guarantee of happiness.

I quickly went in, seeing Josh pacing back and forth as he tried to look for something. Had I not been so anxious I would have offered to ask but I just stood there like an idiot. "Babe?" He looked up with a cautious look.

"Josh, I need to talk to you," I blurted out. 'I need to talk to you'. If there was ever a way, a bad way, to break bad news, I believe I have just hit it spot on. His look did not change and I had to keep talking even if I would have just rather run from this instead of be an adult about it. My mouth opened but nothing came out.

"Just tell me, Karlie." He said, half expecting what I was about to stutter out.

"I can't marry you, Josh." I said, seeing heart break in his face. He had prepared himself for this though. He had seen this coming and he never told me but we knew each other to well to ignore our six since for one another. "I'm so sorry," my voice broke and he sighed heavily. To my surprise he came over to me, wrapping his arms around my frame tightly. My arms wrapped around his neck and I dug my face into his neck, "I'm so sorry.."

He stayed quiet for a few moments before speaking up once again, "Who is it?"

I pulled away, shocked that he could ask a question like that so calmly. However, I owed him the truth. At this point, lying was not an option because if she wanted to end things, I was not going to lie. "There is someone else but I can't say who. " I could not offered to say who because the reasoning behind this madness was built on hopes and nothing else.

"Whatever, Karlie," He mumbled in his voice he used when he tried not to care.

Since I don't have enough time to sit down and write an entire part, here is a sneak peak! I won't be able to get on tomorrow so fingers crossed I can Wednesday. As always, thank you for everything and stay amazing. <3

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