Part Eight

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 "Now I know how Juliet felt.." Said Karlie.


Leaves crunched under Taylor's brown laced up boots as her and Karlie hiked through the woods. A yellow flower dangled from her hand, wobbling around loosely with her movements, somehow managing to stay even with such a loose grip. Besides her Karlie did the same, walking silently as she looked forwards. The top of the hill was visible from where they were walking but not yet close enough to make a running start to it. 

 A few weeks had passed since the two had first kissed and admitted how they felt and in that moment everything had felt right. However, now, reality had sunk in and things were not as easy as just falling in love and doing as they pleased. It didn't matter how they felt, they still had the whole world peering over their shoulders and Karlie still had her hold on her longtime boyfriend, Josh. They tried to keep their meets low key and friendly, even if the media tried to make it something else, they would laugh it off. 

 Taylor was removed form her thoughts when a few fingers slipped there way into hers, intertwining them before locking them together with the girl's. A smile krept onto her face before looking over to Karlie who had somehow managed to almost read her mind.  

 "We shouldn't go back," She said out loud, not in fear of anyone being around them. Her words her half filled with truth and Taylor knew that. 

 "I wish," She smiled, shaking her head a bit. 

 "Just for a week," said Karlie, "Just for a week we could take off and forget about everything and everyone." If only it were that easy, then maybe they would had done it by now. 

 Taylor's hand squeezed the girl's a bit tighter, running her thumb around her skin. She pictured herself, running away with Karlie. She had enough money to disappear and never been seen for fifteen years. Before karlie could get in another word Taylor made sure to cut her off before she could actually convince her to take their van and ride down the cost without telling a sole.

 "ready?" She said, stopping where she was and gesturing up to the hill. They were where the forest ended and the green, grassy hill became there only destination. Karlie grinned, "Ready."


 They sped of, too pair of long legs sprinting them up the hill. Karlie ran ahead, determined to get to the top as Taylor ran right behind her before falling to the grass. 'Ahh!" She screamed out, causing Karlie to stop and turn around, "Tay?" She asked before furrowing her eye brows together and jogging to her side. She bent down and looked down where Taylor had her ankle clutched between her hands, "Karlie it hurts," She whined as she squeezed her eyes shut. 

 "Hey, let me look at it," Karlie said, trying to peel her and away to examine her ankle, "C'mon Tay, move your hand." 

 Taylor did as she said before quickly moving back up to her feet and making a running start, once again for the hill. Karlie made a face, feeling stupid for falling for her act and shook her head even more as the blonde ran up the hill, her arms frailing around like a child as she did.

 "What are you? 12?" She asked, as she got up to her own feet and began to run up the hill. 

 Taylor called out, not missing a step, "And a half!"

  Once both of them made it to the top, Karlie didn't stop, she kept running until she ran straight into Taylor, wrapped her arms around her from behind and fell to the ground with a thud. Despite the brief pain, they burst out laughing. Taylor was sat up, somewhat bent over her taller riend, and let out a snorted laugh as she saw bits of grass tangled in Karlie's short blonde hair. She tried to pick pieces out but gave up after the fifth piece. Her baby blues looked over her flawless features of her face as a warm smile sat on her face. Her hand reached out to move a strand of hair that had caught on the girl's eye lash, just for an excuse to touch her soft skin. It was almost amusing how fast they could go from child like adults, to breaking down in the middle of a beautiful field and have one of "those moments". 

 Karlie gently took her hand right before it left her cheek and kissed it gently before smiling against it. What they were doing was wrong but neither of them had their minds on what was orally right, and hadn't for a few weeks. It wasn't as if they didn't know, and did going to bed some nights guilty, it was that the feeling they got around each other was worth every other feeling that came with it. Taylor smiled a little bit bigger as her lips tickled the palm of her hand before leaning over and down until her head pressed against the model's. Karlie's eyes traveled from Taylor's eyes back down to her lips as a small, innocent smirk traveled on her face. 

 "Kiss me.." She said, just barely loud enough for Taylor to hear, "Please.." Her hand gently traveled up Taylor's fuzzy turtle neck. She felt her nose brush against her own as she gently tilted her head and the ecstasy she got of the blonde's pink lips soon took over her, as they always did. It only seemed to last a a fraction of a second before she pulled away and Karlie's reluctantly pulled away. 

 "How much longer?" Karlie asked, referring to how much longer they had until they had to leave to get back in time for her secret session she was holding at her apartment.  

 Taylor sat all the way up before checking her phone, "Not even forty minutes," She sighed before giving a small smile, "C'mon, We'll come back up her again, I promise." With that she got up to her feet before helping Karlie up. Her fingers found their way to the supermodel's as they started their walk back to the forest.

 "In a way," the model spoke up but kept her gaze down, "Now I know how Juliet felt.."


I'm still on my writing break but I've had this written up for a bit and a certian someone convinced me to post it. You can think gay4tay on tumblr, cause otherwise I would have held off. And if this was a normal update, and I wasn't being a stubborn writer about updating I'd say "Sorry this took so long, but as always, thank you for reading, you all are awesome. :))" 


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