Part Three

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"But you know when you’re in love, there is this denial button you just switch on, and everything is good for a while.” -Piper Shelly

The air was cool, and a summer breeze swept through the line of people standing outside of a small ice cream shop. Anyone from the old gray haired couple with standing patiently to the side while their granddaughter stood for a picture with Taylor Swift, or to the eighteen year old who clutched her iPhone in an anxious hand, grinning ear to ear. The little girl thanked the country superstar before running over to the grandmother, begging to see the picture and a few more people took their shot at a picture. After a few minutes of pictures Taylor, Karlie, Austin, And Josh all headed for the dock. 

   ”Karlie, Austin, Austin, Karlie, Josh, Austin, Austin josh.” Taylor said in one breath, moving here hand back and forth as she introduced Karlie and her boyfriend Josh to her brother Austin. She’d been about to introduce everyone earlier before the group of fans had swarmed her so she took another chance now. Austin greeted both with a firm hand shake, bringing a smile to Taylor’s face before bringing her vanilla ice cream up to her lips.

 The day’s plan was to hang around Rhode island for the day and let the day go with the flow. So far their first trip was to a boat they’d rented for the day, Austin offering to drive considering he’d been the only one with the experience. With the boating topic Josh managed to make conversation, as Taylor’s brother began to explain the difference between driving a car and a boat. 

 ”You know..” Karlie said, adjusting herself on the cusiony seats in the front of the boat. 

 ”I know, it’s not the most comfortable seat but the water is beautiful.” Taylor interrupted, adjusting her self also.

 ”No—well yes but I was going to say you should really stop washing towels with sweaters. It’s just asking for these lent balls. And then I spend my time picking each one out, only to come to your apartment and have Olivia and Meredith lay on me. Then it’s the lent roller to my poor sweater.” Karlie rambled on as she looked down at her Ole May sweater she’d retrieved from Taylor after the night of the storm. 

 ”You’re kidding me right? I washed you sweater and now you’re complaining?” She asked, teasing but holding a straight face as she looked over to the supermodel. 

 Karlie looked up as she rose here eye brows, knowing she wasn’t serious but playing along, “If your ever going to be a wifey you need to know these rules.” 


"Yes, wifey." Karlie nodded matter of factually,"You know, the one who does all the cooking, cleaning, and stuff."

 Taylor leaned back against the side cushion of the boat and reached her arms out along the railing of the boat. Her amused smile stuck with her, “You’re going to be one picky wifey.”

"Josh puts up with my pickiness just fine." Her smile began to crack from Taylor’s amused glance.

  The boat started up with a rumble, causing both girl’s to look at the boys. As they started to cruise through the marina Taylor turned her attention back to Karlie, “If I were him I’d just say tough luck.”

 Karlie looked back to the blonde with a smile, “Well you aren’t my type anyways.”

 Taylor raised her eye brows, “Your type? Are you saying If I were a guy I wouldn’t be your type?”

 ”Do I hence someone getting defensive Miss. Swift?” Karlie asked, furrowing her eye brows. “You’d never be home because your so busy anyways, I can’t live with a million other people being able to see you everyday while I sit at home, tend to the cats and see you maybe once a month.”

 ”Not true! I’d come home more.”

 ”So you’re actually considering this?”

 ”Considering what?”

  Karlie smirked, stretching out her legs and bring her shades from messy up due, to her perching them on her nose. She leaned back with the same smirk and Taylor playfully rolled her eyes, “That’s not what I meant. Besides..” She put her ray bands on, “You aren’t my type.” she lied.

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