1: Before the beginning

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Ellen's POV:

*Beep Beep Beep Beep*
I'm awaken by my alarm but I refuse to wake up, it still feels way to early for any human to be getting up. I roll over and try to drown out the noise by shoving my head under my pillow and trying to think of anything other than right now.

"Shut that damn thing off already" Chris yells from the other side of the bed.

"Alright fineeee, and don't yell at me" I groggily say as I finally sit up and turn of my alarm. I look at the time and it reads 6:01. I let out a loud sigh and stand up only in a baggy tee and underwear and start heading to my en-suite bathroom. I brush my teeth and look at myself in the mirror, my hair is slightly frizzy and I can see slight marks on my face from the bed. Damn I need some coffee.

As I finish washing my face and trying to wake myself up some more I hear Chris moving around in the bed. I walk back into the bedroom to find Chris sprawled across the entire bed and I think to myself 'god, at least waited till I left the bed to take it over' and grabbed some clothes from my closet. I put on a solid white cami top that had a simple lace trim with some black leggings and my comfy sneakers and pulled my hair into a messy bun letting out two front pieces of hair to frame my face. I didn't bother putting on any makeup since I was just heading to the coffee shop a few minutes away and coming straight back. I go downstairs, grab my purse off the kitchen counter and head out the door grabbing my keys from the key hanger on my way.

The ride was only about 3 minutes and thank god because I don't know if I could wait any longer, I really should go to the grocery store and get some more coffee so I don't have to keep doing this. I do have to admit it has been quite nice to get out of the house and away from Chris regardless of the fact he usually is still asleep when I leave or that's it's typically no more than 20 minutes. I don't know what it is about him lately but he just seems so moody and I honestly don't have the energy for it anymore, especially this early. As I get there and order my coffee I get a call from my agent Rick,

"Hey Ellen, sorry for calling so early but I just heard that this writer named Shonda Rhimes is starting a new show called 'Grey's Anatomy' and is looking for a leading lady to play the role of Meredith Grey, an intern at Seattle Grace Hospital, are you interested?"

"A medical show? Are you kidding me? I don't want to be stuck on a medical show for 5 years, are you out of you fucking mind?"

"Look, you are an actress, an actress that is broke and can barely afford your rent right now SOOO audition for this role and if it gets picked up by a television network, you will no longer have to worry about your rent! It's as simple as that, do it even if it's only to pay your rent, ok?"

"Yeah fine, I guess your right. Send me over the script and you go ahead and talk to Shonda about getting me an audition"

"Alright see, now we're talking! I will talk with you later, have a good day"

"You too" I say before hanging up and grabbing my coffee as my name has just been called. Man, playing a doctor, that is probably one of the least appealing roles to me but I guess it could be fun, especially with the correct story line and cast. Plus I guess it would be another thing to keep me busy and would get me away from Chris for a while till his mood swings mellow out. 'Maybe I should have read the script first before agreeing...'

I sit down and drink my coffee as I start reading the script that Rick just sent over. It actually doesn't seem that bad; I think I kind of like it, maybe it won't be so bad after all. While I continue to read I occasionally look up at the cars driving by. By now there are more people awake and the traffic is already picking up so I decide to hop in my Mercedes and start heading home. On the way I turn up the music and make a sharp turn down a random road and start just driving around, not ready to go home. I soon come across a cute park with big trees, a small playground, some picnic tables, a trail that goes into the woods and a big, open, grassy area where I can see people walking their dogs and children running around. I don't know how I've never found this before as it couldn't be more than a 10 minute jog from my house which is something I do quite often, another way to keep myself occupied and doing something other than arguing with Chris. I pull into a parking spot, grab my jacket and my phone and get out of the car. I look at my phone and see that the time is already 6:45 and realize I should probably get back to the house before Chris starts to get worried. I stand there for a moment yet continue my way into the park and on to the trail while I think to myself, 'what could a lit while longer do, it's not like 10 more minutes would end our relationship...."

A/N: Thank you for reading my first chapter! I actually kind of like it to be honest and I know nothing much happens in it but I think it's a good start to the story. Leave any feedback you like, all is appreciated, and if you have any ideas for further chapters just leave a comment and I may do it! Bye for now *mwah*

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