7: The Call and The First Day

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- Later That Day -

- Patrick's POV -
"This is great Jill!" Patrick was talking to Jillian over dinner, she made one of his favorites as either a 'congratulations, you got the part!' or a 'you'll get em' next time!' dinner. As he stood up to place their plates in the sink and Jill went to put T in bed, his phone rung in his pocket.

"Hi, this is Shonda's assistant, Olivia Jones, I'm calling to inform you of their decision about the role of Derek Shepherd you auditioned for."
"Oh, ok then."
"I'm very happy to tell you that... you got the part!"
"Wait? Are you serious?"
"Yes, absolutely! Shonda wants you to be here tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m so you can meet the rest of the cast and get your trailer. Then shooting will start the next day."
"Ok, great! See you then!"

Wait.. did I just hear that right!? IM GOING TO PLAY THE ROLE OF DEREK SHEPHERD!! I stood in front of my sink and did a little dance with myself, I can't believe this is happening! After so long of not being able to get a good acting role I'm finally going to be in a tv show, let's just hope this one lasts...

I'm brought back from my thoughts by the sound of Jill's voice saying "what are we dancing about?" As she joins in. "I got the part!" I say excitedly still dancing. "Wait!? Are you serious!" She has stopped dancing and is looking at me in shock. "Ha, that's what I said" I take a moment to laugh and then it hits me and my face drops... "Oh my god"

- Ellen's POV -
"So, how were the auditions? Any good candidates?" Chris looks up from his food and I'm lost in thought still thinking about earlier. "El?" I turn my head and see him looking at me, "Huh? What did you say?" He laughs and asks again. "Oh yeah, it's was ok. There weren't many good people to be honest though." Thank god for that because there was only one guy perfect enough for this role... one that was amazing enough for this role. Dammit Ellen! You are literally sitting at dinner and talking with your BOYFRIEND, you have to stop thinking about Patrick in this way...

30 minutes or so pass and we have finished dinner and are sitting on the couch, watching a movie, when I get a call from a random number. I get up to answer it in the other room.

"Hello?" I asked confused.
"Ellen? Ellen!" The voice on the other line said and I instantly knew who it was.
"Patrick? How did you get my number? What are calling about?" I ask him with confusion and I realize my tone comes off as a tad bit rude.
"Well, for one you don't have to sound so upset that I'm calling you, two, I GOT THE ROLE OF DEREK!"
"YAY!" I say happily but I also already knew so this wasn't new information to me.
"Why don't you sound happy?" His voice sounded sad, oh no, I think I hurt his feelings....
"Oh no, paddy! I swear I am happy for you, I just already knew you got the part, I was the one who was the deciding factor" I quickly say and let out a giggle.
"Oh really... so you were the one who picked me to be kissing you everyday?" He jokingly yet cockily asks.
"I Uh... I-I..." I stutter and don't know what to say because technically, he was right.
"Relax Ellie, it's ok, I was just joking..... because I already know the answer to that" once again.. cocky.
"Oh shut up, don't let that get to your head, your ego is already big enough as it is"
"Oh yeah? Huh, funny because, you still don't really know me, how do you know that?" He asks
"Oh please, anyone with those looks is bound to be a little egotistical..." oh no... what did I just say!
"Well, I could say that same for you beautiful" his voice was now suddenly very flirtatious and I could feel my heart rate pick up. "Hey so I was wondering, since we are going to be co-workers now, I would like to get to know you better soooo would you like to maybe gets some coffee sometime? Or just hang out and do something?"
"Mr.Dempsey. Are you asking me out?" I jokingly say and I could hear him giggle on the other side of the phone.
"Only if you want it to be" With this I swear I feel my heart skip a beat... but then I'm brought back down to earth and reality as the sound of Chris yelling brings me from my thoughts.
"Hey, I have to go but I'll talk to you later??"
"Yeah, of course! Bye el, see you tomorrow on set."
"See you, bye paddy..."

I hang up and walk back to the living room where Chris is sitting and waiting. "Who was that?" Shit, what should I say? I mean it's not bad that I was talking to Patrick but at the same time I feel like maybe I shouldn't tell him... "Oh that was just uh, Shonda, reminding the time for tomorrow and telling me who got the part of Derek." I lie sitting down beside him. "Oh ok, who got the part? Anyone good?", "Yeah, yeah, really good.." My words trail off as I nod my head and smile to myself thinking about paddy and the fact that I'm going to be spending everyday with him at work. Even if it may be wrong, I still can't help but feel so excited and happy thinking about it.

- 2 Days Later -

- Still Ellen's POV -
I pull into my parking spot near the trailers and make my way to Patrick and I's new trailer. Oh yeah, did I mention that we have to share a trailer? Not that I'm complaining though...

When I open the door, I am met with Patrick leaning against our kitchenette counter, coffee in hand and another to the side.

"Ah, good morning Ellie!" He says excitedly and grabs the extra cup of coffee, hands it to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning to you too paddy, you seem happy" I reply taking the coffee and smiling.

"Well that's because I am. Today is the first day of filming and I get to spend it with you" he gives me another McDreamy smile and continues, "Sooo... you ready to see me half naked today?" He asks with a laugh. I mockingly smile and roll my eyes jokingly.

"Born ready" I reply with giggle. We finish our coffees, talking about the script and also just trying to get to know one another, and head to set once they were ready.

The day went pretty smoothly, it was great getting to know each actor and their characters but my favorite parts of the day were spent with Patrick. Despite only knowing each other for about a week, it felt like we've known each other for a hundred years. He makes me smile so much bigger than I have in a while and is constantly making me laugh. He is such a dork. Paddy has been making everyone laugh all day and his presence just lights up the set and to be honest, he lights me up too. Him just being around me makes my world brighter and I know it's crazy to be saying these things, I mean I barely know him and we are both in relationships, but it's true.

Patrick and I just finished filming and it was now 8 p.m. Him and I were sitting on the couch of the trailer and had snuck some food back with us from the food trucks and were enjoying each other's company. We talked and talked till it was almost 11 p.m and figured it was probably time to go home. Despite spending literally the entire day together, I was still sad I had to go. He walked me over to my car as we said our goodbyes,

"Sooo... today was way more fun than I thought it was going to be" I say leaning my back against my car door and smiling at Patrick.

"Hey! Are you saying that you didn't think today was going to be fun?" He had a fake hurt look on his face and his hand on his chest. Like I said, such a dork...

"Yep, I thought today was going to be horrible. Having to spend all day with you, ugh, no thanks." I laugh and stop soon as we stare into each other's eyes. I clear my throat and look away but he doesn't look away. "I should uh, I should probably go." I nervously say and grab my key out of my purse. As I open my car door, I stop and turn back around. Patrick is still looking at me as I walk closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. He puts his arms around my waist pulling me in even closer and I bury my head into the crook of his neck. I whisper onto his skin "goodnight paddy" and pull my self off of him. "Goodnight el" he reply's and starts walking to his car and I get in mine. Today was a good day... but now I have to go back home and lay in bed with Chris... instead of with paddy... god I really need to stop this... maybe this feeling and these thoughts will just go away after some time, maybe I just need to wait it out and all will be fine... right?

A/N- I'm really sorry for not getting out another chapter but I started another story and at first I was just wanting to write that but then I just really didn't want to write tbh... I had no ideas and I feel bad but I have tried writing the rest of this chapter every night for the past 3 nights and couldn't do it for some reason. I would write like a paragraph then give up. But it's here now! So yayyyyy :) ok bye now

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