2: Before the beginning (2)

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Patrick's POV

*beep beep beep beep*
The sound of my alarm is blaring and it seems to be giving me a headache already, I can already feel that today isn't going to be great. I roll over and turn it off before it wakes up Jill and let out a sigh while I stare at the time on the screen, 6:01. I reluctantly get out of the covers and I pull my pajama pants that were sitting on the floor up my legs. I turn and look over at my sleeping wife and give her a kiss on the cheek, it seems like this is the only time she is actually nice. After she had T, she has seemed to be aggravated by every little thing I say or do and don't get me wrong, I love my wife and Tal is my little princess but sometimes I wish I could just not feel like I'm tiptoeing on eggshells around in my own house.

I stand up and go into my en-suite bathroom immediately going to the sink to splash some water on my face. The cool water seems to wake me up a bit more and I dry off my face with a towel and start to brush my teeth. I'm not sure what I'm going to do today but I know I'll start it by going for a jog like always. It gives me time to be alone and just be free, plus it keeps me in shape. But of course first and foremost, coffee!

I finish in the bathroom and tiptoe out of the bedroom and through the hall to downstairs. I step into the kitchen and turn on the coffee pot. Once the coffee is all made I make a cup for myself and drink it while I sit at island just looking out the window at the city and beach in the distance. I finish it rather quickly but before I can get up to put it in the sink, my phone starts to ring in the living room. I run to grab it before the loud rings wake up Talula or god forbid Jillian and reach it just in time for it to not go to voicemail or wake up anyone. I look at the caller ID to see the name Lisa, my agent.

"Hey Patrick! Good morning, I almost thought you weren't going to pick up there and you would have been sorry because.... I just learned about a new show that a writer named Shonda Rhimes is creating called 'Grey's Anatomy' and they need someone to play the role of Dr. Derek Shepard, he is the head of Neurosurgery and is nicknamed McDreamy so I thought you were just the man for the job!"

"Wow, uh yeah thanks! I would love to get the script and possibly audition for it, when are the auditions?"

"Oh, they aren't for 2 weeks so you have time but I will send you a copy of the section of script you would be reading and I will talk to Shonda about getting you an audition, have a good day Patrick"

"Yeah you too Lisa" I heard her hang up the phone then the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned to see Jill looking at me confused as she walked towards me. I didn't even realize the stupid grin I had on my face and looked at Jill with excitement.

"Who was that and why do you look so stupid" she laughed a bit at the end and continued to stare at me

"That was Lisa, my agent, she says there is a new show called 'Grey's Anatomy' and she thinks I will be a great fit for it" I say to her smiling

"Really? Another audition Patrick, yay!" She said through a fake smile and I could hear the anger and annoyance in her voice but the question is, why?

"Yep, this is a good thing Jill!" I held both her hands in mine "Why don't you seem as happy and excited as I am?"

"The last couple of auditions were flops, why are you even still trying? Just give up already" she said with a stern, slightly angry look on her face. She pulled away her hands and turned around to start walking the other way but I grabbed her arm and spun her back around.

"What is your problem Jill? You have always been supportive of my work, what has gotten into you? Ever since T was born you have been nothing angry at me and pick fights with me for no reason!" By now I was practically yelling at her but I still tried to keep at least a tad bit of my cool as to not wake Talula but I don't know how I was by this point. "I don't know how much more of this I can take, I have been extremely patient trying my fucking hardest to do everything right for you just to make you happy yet you never are! If you don't love me anymore just tell me because I don't think I will do this much longer.."

Jill just looked at me in shock not saying anything for a while. I just stared right back at her and I can feel my blood boiling throughout my body and damn, it felt good to say that. I really don't want to have to leave Jill for Talula's sake but at this moment, I honestly don't know how much I still love her. At one point in time I did, I mean I got married to her and had a baby with her, obviously I loved her but maybe that's just it, loved.

Jill's face was still a bit shocked but I watched as her face softened and she began to speak, "Alright fine, I will try to be supportive of this. Just this means I'm going to be home alone with the baby everyday and I don't think I can handle that on my own" She let out a loud sigh and I could tell she felt bad but it doesn't completely change the way I feel. Despite that, I'm not going to give up now, that's for sure.

"Ok then, thank you. Maybe we can hire a nanny or something to help you." Just as I was about to say more I hear my phone ding. I look at it and see that it's just my agent with the script. I also notice the time, 6:39. Maybe I just need to go for a run and think, take a minute to get away and calm myself down. "I'm going to head out, I'll be back by 7-7:10 ok, I just need some time I think. There's coffee already made if you want it." And head upstairs and to my bedroom. I grab out just a simple plain black tee with my grey sweatpants and put them on along with my running shoes. I run down the stairs and quickly grab my phone and my wallet before walking out the door to start my run heading towards a cute park that's just a few minutes from here. I love to run down the trail, I have gone so many times I can picture every landmark down it. Plus, if you take a turn off of the trail at a certain point, it leads you out to a beautiful cliff that looks over city and the distant ocean. It's where I go when I need time for myself, watching all of the cars and seeing the waves crash on the beach puts me at ease.

I get there and I can see people walking their dogs and even some kids running and playing despite the fact it's only 6:47. I run into the park and turn down the trail to go to the cliff, I know I'm not going to get much time there to be able to think since I told Jill I would be back by 7:10 but I'm not going to let that ruin what time I do have. Before I know it I am getting a text from Jill at 6:51 already asking me if I'm on my way back. I just roll my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket without answering her and turn off the trail, I'm almost to the cliff, and think to myself, 'it's not like 10 more minutes out here will do anything, she will be fine to wait a little longer, what's the harm in it? It's not like these 10 minutes will end my marriage...'

A/N- ok so this chapter is much longer than I planned on it being but somewhere along the way I decided to make them have a fight and him tell her how he felt or whatever so that she will try to change. It makes a bit more sense than him completely only staying in his marriage out of obligation but that's kind of how I wanted it to be. As always, feedback is appreciated, have good day :)

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