10: Messes Were Made

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A/N- Remember the outfit Ellen is wearing? Yeah well I made it up because I thought to was cute but then I remembered she literally wore like the exact same thing; hair and everything.... I- How?

Anyways... I'm kind of getting mad with myself because I feel like I keep just repeating the same thing in every chapter and it's getting annoying soooo I don't know what to do.... anyways here's this :D

you're welcome 😉


Ellen walked through the back lot and into her shared trailer, being met with a beaming Patrick.

"Good morning gorgeous" Patrick kissed her on the cheek per usual, "You're looking stunning, as always of course."

Ellen blushed, "Why thank you patty. You look not too bad yourself." Patrick was wearing his navy scrubs already but he clearly hadn't been to hair and makeup yet as his raven curls were all messy and adorable.

"So, you ready to finally have some time off from this this place?"

"Hm, this place? Yes. You? Never!" She exaggerated, though truthful, with a smile. She couldn't understand it but as soon as she stepped into here and saw his dazzling smile, she forgot all about her worries and felt comfortable in his presence. "I'm going to miss seeing your pretty face everyday."

"I am quite pretty aren't I?"

"Oh shut up."

"What? You said it first." He let out a soft laugh and they found themselves silent and looking into each other's eyes. After a while, they realized what was happening and snapped out of it as the sound of a knock on the door filled the trailer. "Who is it?"

"It's Leah. Leah Myers... I'm just an assistant on set. I came to let you guys know they need you in hair and makeup in 5 minutes."

"Ok thank you." He yells to Leah, turning to look at her. "So, I guess I will leave you here to be alone while you change into your scrubs. See you on set?"

"Yep." She replies simply, still stunned by the way his eyes drew her in so quickly earlier, when is this torture going to end, she thought to herself as she watched Patrick wave goodbye and exit the trailer, going to hair and makeup early.

After Ellen changed and made it to hair and makeup, she found Patrick standing by the main nurses station, reading over his script one last time while leaning against the counter. He noticed her presence and looked up as she made her way over with a smile on her face.

"Oh don't even pretend, I know you can't read that shit, that's why you have me." Ellen sarcastically teased Patrick.

"Hey! I'm dyslexic not an idiot." He acted hurt and dramatically set his script down.

"I'm not so sure about that."

"I take offense to that statement!"

"You're a diva, you take offense to every statement.."

"I beg your pardon?!"

"See, diva!"

"Oh please! I am anything but!"

"Uh huh, you keep telling yourself that."

"You are impossible.."

"So are you."

"God I love you..." He lowered his voice to where only she could hear him. He didn't even mean to let it slip out, it just came spewing out before he could stop it. Ellen stood there shocked by his words, unable to say anything as she thought to herself, Did he just say that? She knows he means it as a friend but still, he's never said that to her before and she can't help the thoughts of hoping he truly meant it the way she did...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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