6: Beyond normal connection

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Patrick's POV
I pull into a parking spot near the building I'm supposed to be going to and finish the last of my Starbucks coffee. I grab my keys, phone and script from the passenger seat and walk into the building. I swear on my way in I see Ellen's car parked near the door but it's a big city, there are many people who have the same cars, so I just brush it off and sit down in the waiting area.

A few moments later a tall black guy comes and sits down right next to me, "Hi, I'm Isaiah Washington, I'm auditioning for the role of Derek Shepherd" and holds out his hand. I just look at him for a second and realize I'm being rude so I shake his hand and respond by saying, "Hey, I'm Patrick Dempsey, I'm also auditioning for Derek Shepherd" and give him a smile. He looks so intimidating and honestly I feel a bit relieved, maybe I will get this role. We sit in awkward silence for a couple more minutes, both of us reading over our lines, until a short, brown haired woman calls for Isaiah to come in. He looks over to me and says, "Good luck with your audition, you'll need it" before standing up. I see the last guy walk out and he has a big smile on his face. God, they must have liked him, he was only an average looking guy with sort of scruffy blonde hair but who knows, maybe that's what they are looking for. It feels like forever and I'm really starting to get nervous, I really need this to go well for me. Then out comes Isaiah and he too has a huge smile on his face and now I'm really freaking out. My head starts to race with all sorts of questions and doubts but then I hear "Patrick Dempsey?" I pop my head up, and she notices, "They are ready for you Mr. Dempsey." I pick up my script and follow her into the room. I can see all of the producers and writers along with a large curtain, maybe that's where Meredith is? I walk over and they introduce me to Shonda who is eyeing me up and down. Help...

"So, tell me Patrick, what brings you here? Tell me a bit about yourself."

"Hey, I'm Patrick Dempsey, as you already know" dammit Patrick, calm down, you are going to fail this audition with these nerves, "I uh, am married and have a little 2 year old girl. I like to spend most of my free time racing, it's a love I inherited from my dad. And I really like the script for this show and feel like I could be perfect for the role of Derek as we both share some similarities including, our good looks." I give them my best 'McDreamy' smile as my character is called and I notice an extra person in the room standing to the side. I couldn't tell who it was at first but then I noticed their petite body frame and beautiful wavy hair, "Ellen?!" I could even hear the excitement in my voice.

"Dempsey huh? You know you never did tell me your last name... nor the fact you were auditioning for a role on 'Grey's Anatomy' let alone the role of Derek." Yep, that's her alright. She walked towards me slowly and I could now see her gorgeous green eyes that had a beautiful sparkle to them and her amazing smile. God, how could anyone be this perfect. "Well you never asked. And I could say the same for you, I can only guess you are playing the beautiful Ms. Meredith?" I respond walking closer to her and match her tone and smile. We were only a foot away from each other and I could smell the lavender from her conditioner filling my nose. Shonda interrupted our moment making me realize we were still at my audition, "You two know each other?" Ellen left my gaze and took a step back to turn to Shonda who had a shocked look on her face, "Yeah uh, sort of. We met at the part near our houses about 2 weeks ago." I was still watching her beauty as Shonda just gave a simple 'hm' and told us to get into position. We took our spots and I could sense that Ellen was nervous, I don't know how but I could and I think she could tell I was too, it was like we were connected...

I tried to lighten the mood a bit while also making sure she was ok by looking back to her and smiling, "Are you ok?" She looked me in the eyes and softened a bit, "Yeah, I'll be ok, just uh, I'm sorry for not talking to you much since the whole Chris incident..." Really? She was worried about me? She was worried about how i was feeling? "That's why you were nervous? Not the fact that you are about to kiss a devilishly handsome man" I pause to look at her reaction to what I said and I can see her cheeks get pinker, she's so adorable when she blushes... "I understand ok, you don't need to worry about me..... unless you want to worry about me" god what is this woman doing to me... "Oh shut up" and she lets out a small laugh while hitting my arm... there it is... the most beautiful sound in the world.

"Are you guys ready? And action!"

(I'm just going to skip over this part because I already wrote all of these lines and plus I can't really just copy and paste them easily for some reason... this also means we get to the kiss faster 😌)

"So this line... is it imaginary or do I need to get you a marker?" I say my last line and I know what's coming next... I look at Ellen and she is looking back and forth between my eyes and my lips as I do the same. And it happens... she pushes me against the wall and she is so much stronger than I expected but that just makes me love her even more. Her lips touch mine and it's like a bolt of electricity shocks my body bringing me to life. Her tiny hands find themselves on the back of my neck playing with my curls and I can't help but smile a bit. Her lips taste so sweet and they kiss with so much passion and urgency that I can't help but give in and try to deepen the kiss even further. I lift her up lightly by the waist them wrap my arms around her tiny body, flipping us around so I was now the one in control. I let my tongue glide across her bottom lip and to my surprise, she graciously accepts and our tongues battle for domination. I could feel my lungs dying for air but I refused to let our lips separate and chose to focus on the butterflies building up in my stomach. My hands ran up and down her sides wanting to feel more of her, she was like a drug and I'm the drug addict and I just couldn't get enough of her... what is happening to me.... she flips us around and this gives me the chance to finally feel her beautiful blonde hair but I also use this as an opportunity to try and get more, I need more. Ellen and I were on an entire other world but unfortunately we were brought back down to reality by the ring of a bell to signal us to stop but I never wanted this to end. Once we departed, I would go back to being married and she would go back to having a boyfriend and I don't know if I could go back to that reality. Ellen thankfully put her hands on my chest and pushed herself off letting them trail down because I don't think I ever would. I took the opportunity to try and taste more of her again by licking her chapstick off my lips... vanilla and honey. God what have I done... I can't let this happen... I can't fall for this woman... this tiny, beautiful, perfect woman...

I almost forgot to say my last line but did as I watched her walk back behind the curtain. I turned to look at Shonda who was just blankly staring at me, oh no, did I let my nerves get the best of me? Did I mess up my lines? Did she hate me? This can't be a good look... One the other producers finally spoke up after a long moment of uncomfortable silence and said, "Ok then, we uh, we will call you to let you know what we decide..." I still felt frozen in place but managed a response "Ok, thank you for the opportunity!" and walked out the room but before I left, I looked back to see if I could find Ellen yet she was still hiding. What was this going to do to our friendship, if you could call it that? Did she feel the same things he did? Or did he take it too far and scare her? I just met her, I shouldn't care if I am already loosing her but I do, I really do.

I walk back to my car and head home still trying to wrap my head around what just happened and the fact that I now have to go home and pretend like this never happened, like I didn't feel like this woman made my world brighter or that our kiss sent electricity through my body making me feel alive again.

A/N- well ok then... I uh... sorry for not getting this out sooner, my laptop stopped working and I also haven't had access to my phone and won't have much time to write for probably the next week or more but I will still try when I can. How are you feeling about this boom so far? Am I doing ok? I also need ideas for future chapters if you have any! Plus, I have been thinking about doing a dempeo quarantine story though have many of the cast there too to make it a bit more fun and have people trying to get them together or break them up 😉 thoughts? Ok bye love ya 💖🦖👑

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