8: Chest Pains

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A/N- ok so you guys may kill me but I'm deciding to do a time just just cause I don't know what to do... I personally don't like too big of time jumps so I'm sticking to just a "small" one right now to get the ball rolling but please tell me if its too long or whatever because I don't know what to do... ok enjoy the chapter!! 💋❤️


-2 Months Later-

-Patrick's POV-

Filming has been going amazing so far. We are flying through scenes, the last few are being shot today, and everyone is getting on amazingly, well, for the most part anyways. I honestly don't really like Isaiah... yeah, kinda weird dude. He just gives me the creeps and the way he looks at Ellie sometimes, god, it just makes me want to punch him square in the face. He is always trying to flirt with her and I can tell she doesn't enjoy it. I know it's not my place but I can't help myself from trying to protect her from him every time. She has quickly become my best friend on set, no, my best friend in general, which you might find kind of sad but... shut up... We spend everyday together around the studio, practically joined at the hip. Wherever she is, I am and vice versa. It's kind of become a joke on set but I couldn't care less, I get to spend every day with her and can casually flirt without anyone thinking something is going on between us because our characters are dating and we're best friends, that's it... and that's all we will ever be...

Suddenly I'm drawn from my now sulking thoughts when a tiny knock is made on my trailer door. I yell, "Come in", grab the second coffee cup to my left and walk to the door knowing exactly who it is. I greet ellie at the door with a kiss on the cheek and her coffee before walking to sit on the couch, our morning routine.

"Good morning!" She chirps, unusually perky and happy for it being only 7 am and having a horrible morning person attitude.

"Good morning.." I respond giving her a confused look and she just continues smiling while I study her face, trying to figure out what happened to her. "You are unusually perky for it being 7 am, are you feeling ok?"

"Oh shut up, I am just in a good mood today."

"Uh huh, and why would that be?"

"You don't need to know all the details of my life. Now shut up and quit worrying about me, drink your coffee." She responds sassily and turns around, looking out the window, and it earns her a slight laugh and a longing gaze. Ok, so maybe the longing gaze wasn't something I should be doing nor is anything she really has to earn but I find myself involuntary doing it more and more...

"Mm, but I like hearing about what's going on in Ms Pompeo's life.." I mumble in a low voice, walking up behind her and giving her a hug from behind. I could feel her body shudder lightly as my breath blew on her neck and I furrowed my nose deeper into her skin.

"Nothing is going on in my life, just, we are getting so close to finishing filming! I can't wait to see how people react to the first season! And get your stinky coffee breath off of my neck before I spill my coffee on you." Ellen laughs and I back away just enough to turn her around so she is now facing me.

"You know, I'm going to miss you once we don't get to spend everyday together anymore.." I pout and she playfully taps on my chest.

"Well lucky for you, we live only a few houses from each other so you don't need to miss me that bad."

"Mmhmm. And how are Jill and Chris going to like the two of us hanging out together?"

"Oh please, they are the least of my worries. They know we are best friends and will just have to learn to deal with the two of us."

"Okayyy. Let's get heading to hair and makeup before we are late, I'm excited to shoot this finale."

"Mmm, I'm not, that means we probably don't get to keep kissing" Ellie replies with a wink before walking towards the door and opening it, "plus, I'm more excited for the condomad scene we still need to film today."


We go through our scenes with very few hiccups, despite my many mess ups during the lines of "How goes our super secretly silent sunset surgery?" Yeah, you can say that Ellen thought it was absolutely hilarious that I kept having to run up and down the stairs because of my stupid fumbling of words. Also, the actor who plays Addison, Derek's wife which I only recently found out he had, is quite funny and nice. Obviously not anything like my Ellie but she's pretty cool too... did I just say 'my ellie'?...

By now it was 9 pm and Ellen and I are hanging out in our trailer, just talking about what's going on with our lives. I loves these little moments with her after a long day of filming, it's nice to be able to come back to my trailer and be able to just talk with probably my favorite person... besides Jill and Talula of course! We joke and laugh about anything and everything together and they're my favorite parts of my day, being with Ellen. I know it's probably wrong to admit but it's absolutely true. Then I get to leave here and see my lovely toddler and go to bed next to my wonderful wife Jillian, my life is perfect right now, or, at least that's what I keep telling myself.

Whenever I'm not with Ellen, there's is a tiny, constant ache in my chest that no matter what I do, I can't get rid of. It's almost as if my body doesn't know how to function properly without her, like my heart can't beat without her, like she fills a whole in my heart I didn't know I had till I met her... god what am I saying! It's probably just chest pains from all the junk we eat on set, that is the only logical explanation... Ellen is my best friend... nothing more... nothing more...

-Ellen's POV-

Patrick and I just left set and I am already pulling into my driveway, kind of dreading going inside. There's nothing wrong with Chris and I's relationship, it's actually going pretty well, but being here means not being with paddy. Which I'm totally cool with you know, I just spent all day with him, I don't need to spend anymore time with him. But I want to. God do I really want to. But, even though Chris has been taking the whole 'dating an actor who's character is dating another guy' thing pretty well, obviously he still gets jealous. I mean, I would too. If I knew that my partner was spending all day with an extremely attractive, charismatic, and flirtatious guy, I would be jealous, all the time. But that's the thing. He doesn't know just how flirty we are with each other, he doesn't know that we are always together, he doesn't know that I have been secretly falling for him since the day we met... he doesn't know. God I feel terrible! Chris is a great guy and here I am, wishing that I was coming home to another man. No. No! No, I am not wishing to come home to a different man because that man is married, but, he's my best friend, see, that is why I wish he was at my house! Not because I wish to feel his lips against mine without several cameras and crew mates around us... Not. at. all...


A/N- so I think this is kind of a crappy chapter but... Idk I needed to post something lol... Sorry for not posting in a while but I am having trouble coming up with things to write. Is there anything you guys would like to see happen? I think I want to continue their friendship and have their feelings be secret for a while longer then maybe have their partners getting jealous and accusing them of stuff and then they get drunk and it accidentally happens... 🤷‍♀️ I don't know... or is there maybe like some type of 'event' you would like to see happen or anything to make this more interesting? Ok this is getting way too long... byeeee ❤️


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