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world. What is our purpose? Do we have purpose? why were we made? Are we all here for a reason? What is the meaning of life? To be born, become educated fall in love have kids and grow old? Or refuse to attend school the majority of your life and find someone that you think you love and that will never leave you, until you find out they've been having an affair with you best friends all all along? Life doesn't have a happy ending does it? Honestly, if one day, if you find your soul mate, your one true love, your other half, what happens when one of you two dies? It leaves the other broken and hurt inside, maybe to fall into a depression and commit suicide eventually. Maybe you will move on and just convince yourself to never fall in love again so you will never have to experience that kind of pain ever again. "

Alex sighed as he finished writing the last line of him pouring his heart out, into his diary.

"Alex" a soft voice spoke out.

Alex turned around to see a small girl, of the age of 10 with dark brown hair, bright green eyes and freckles spread across her cheeks. This little girl in particular was also known as his little sister Amaya.

"yes?" He asked in a rather tedious tone as he felt almost as if his body was filled with monotony.

"Mom wants you to come downstairs for breakfast " said the small Amaya while turning on her heels and ran down the stairs of the rather old house which made the steps creak as she ran. Alex groaned as he stood up, it was a bright Saturday morning and he didn't feel like doing anything today, he wanted to sit around in his room while reading over his favorite book "How to Kill a mocking Bird" and watching "The Perks of Being a Wall Flower until he fell asleep. Alex wasn't someone you would consider popular, quite the opposite actually. At school, he was an outcast.
Nobody talked to him, he didn't even get bullied because he always knew where to be at the right times.

Alex dragged himself down the old creaky steps of his house and into the dinning room where he sat on a chair just as his mother placed a plate with eggs and bacon spread across it.

"Morning Hon" said his mother while quickly kissing his forehead and rushing back into the kitchen to receive the two pieces toast that had just popped out of the toaster. She handed him a piece and set another down on Amaya's plate as she was playing with the family's five year old German Shepard, Indigo.

Amaya quickly sat up and placed herself at the table as soon as she saw he wonderful breakfast being placed on the table.

After Alex was finished his meal he quickly thanked his mom and was about to make his way to his bedroom until his mom softly whispered his name.


He turned around to see his mother with a sad expression across her face but still a tiny sad smile. As soon as he saw that face he knew something had went wrong, he hadn't seen his mom use that expression since about four years ago and his grandmother had passed away.

"yes?" Alex asked reluctantly walking towards his mom as he didn't want to hear any bad news, he knew if it was he would cry. He always did, but always in secret and whenever he would least expect it, he hated crying. Especially in front of others.

"it's your Aunt Meghan" she paused biting her lip as if she were to cry if she spoke anymore. "last night when she was driving home from work, a transport truck was swerving down the road and as she tried to prevent being hurt, she turned quickly but at the wrong time and drove off a bridge" finished his mom with tears escaping down her cheeks.

Alex pulled his mother into a tight embrace as she cried into his shoulder. He tried to calm her down by patting her back and whispering that everything was going to be alright, but Alex was never good at really comforting someone. He stood there stiff as a board almost just rubbing soothing circles into his mother s back and eventually the sobbing stopped and they pulled away.

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