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   Mason, how do you describe him? If you were a normal person just randomly seeing him, you'd probably think adorable? Puffed out cheeks with a little quiff swirled with pink, trimmed a bit at the sides and blushing red cheeks to go along with it. Freckles scattered across and forest eyes that shined like when the moon hits the water. But if you happened to be an asshole , you'd say he's a freak. And unfortunately for him the people who attended his school tended to be assholes, most just jealous of his adorable looks.

There was one more school in the small town of Stoneybridge that he occupied: StoneyMoon Secondary School however it was by being accepted only could attend. It was rare anyone got accepted to this "prestigious" school and no one he ever knew was ever accepted. He had basically come to the conclusion in his mind that the school didn't even actually exists at all. A school where many could actually find and hardly anyone attended ? Very suspicious indeed, and as his mother always said : " Myths are things for a reason, the give people hope but they are always false, don't let your head run wild".

A bus to school, that was exactly what Mason was on right now, he usually got a ride in the car with his mother but today she had a very important meeting and could not risk being late, so on the bus he went with his back pack ready for his education and 2 dollars and seventy-five cents in change in his pocket. He saw the bus approaching and went on, put his change in the slot and denied the transfer from the man driving the automobile. He quickly looked around and made his way to the back where he saw an empty seat on the basically deserted bus other than one elderly woman who had fallen asleep and quietly kept to himself; that is until the bus stopped again.

Coming onto the bus upon this stop was one of the most beautiful people Mason had ever seen in his life. The man had broad shoulders, beautiful ocean blue eyes and waves of brown locks that went just past his shoulders. In all of his 17 years of life he had never felt such an attraction to singular being. His eyes widened and his pink cherub cheeks flushed more that had ever been normal and his pants which were a perfect fit a couple of minutes ago suddenly felt tighter. He had no idea why this was his instinct reaction was to do this but it was. He snatched his rose gold cell phone from his pocket and snapped a picture. Except the boy had forgotten one major detail, the flash was on. And so was the sound.

Mason didn't think he has ever seen someone so shocked confused and angry in his life or even all those emotions put into one, but he knew that he had right now and that this man definitely did not enjoy what he just did.He turned towards Mason with a nasty scowl on his face, but it softened when he saw the tears welling up in the small boys eyes. Instead of knocking him out like he rightfully intended to so he rolled his eyes and muttered a, "fucking creep" before turning around, requesting a stop and getting off the bus. However Mason couldn't help but notice a pin on the back of this mans backpack that read, " SMSS". The initials for Stoney Moon Secondary School. And just like that, Mason watched the stranger disappear in the biggest state of confusion he had ever been in.

Later that night Mason had smashed his head against his pillow at least 37 times, he had been counting. Of course he had been counting, anything to get his mind off of the stupidest mistake he had ever made in his entire life. He had to apologize, it was a misunderstanding, well maybe it wasn't but still! He felt like he needed to see the man again and maybe not just for the reason of apologizing for the picture, but for an urge his heart craved. He had to go to Stoney Moon, but only students and teachers were allowed there. He would just have to apply to be a student of Stoney Moon had hope to get in.

Meanwhile on the other side of Stoneybridge hidden in the woods where normal people from Stoneybridge did not occupate, was Hayes Tale. Tomorrow was Hayes's 18th birthday and he didn't think he had ever been more excited in his entire life. He was going to meet his mate the one he was destined to be with, and even better he was going to become Beta of the the Stoney Moon pack . And even though he was happy that he was getting a mate, he felt bad, guilty. He had heard of wolves having human mates before, but it wasn't that common. He was most likely to have a werewolf mate and he felt almost as if he was cheating on them because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get that face of the little boy with the pink hair from the bus this morning out of his mind.

Mason was determined that today he was going to go to Stoney Moon and be accepted into their school. He had even printed out the application form online and told his mother to sign at her busiest moment when she wasn't paying attention, telling her it was for a field trip. So, Mason once again got on the bus and instead of going to his school , he was going to the legendary Stoney Moon high school.

He almost missed his stop, and when he did get off he nearly lost, the only thing to guide him was the sound of voices, high schoolers screaming in the morning; the hyperactive ones that is. He let out a shaky breath and marched his way into the building, pretending he knew where he was going, pretending he didn't feel the eyes on him of every person he passed. Luckily for him, as soon as he walked into the building there was a sign saying which was the office was and for that he was thankful. With confidence he made his way to the front desk and placed his application form in front of him and simply said "I'm here to apply to join this school ". The secretary simply looked up from her computer gave him a look up and down and simply mumbled something under her breath that sounded distinctly like "humans".

"The Principal will meet with you shortly, take a seat " she says returning to her computer screen while Mason finds himself a seat . What felt like forever which was really only ten minutes to Secretary tells him to go to the room and the end of the hall where he will find "the big man" himself.

Mason pats down his clothes and lets go of a breath he didn't know he was holding. He hadn't really thought this through had he? But never the less he made his way to the room at the end of the hallway and opened the door. Inside the room was exactly how you'd picture a rich businessman's office to be. Leather sofa and everything. Something that did seem to be a shock to him was the Principal himself, he was looking at him with a smile. He was a handsome man and seemed quite nice but maybe at most he was about 21 years old? Mason shrugged off the shock and introduced himself.

"Hey there, I'm Mason nice to meet you" He said with a smile and made his way over to the sofa across from the desk and plopped down.

"Hello there Mason, I'm Nathan" says the deep voice extending his hand to shake that of Masons to which he accepts.

"So why did you chose to apply to Stoney-"

"Alpha do you smell that great fucking smell?!" He was cut off by the one and only Hayes Tale who bust through the door with his head in the air, sniffing?

Hayes's eyes snapped towards Mason and immediately said:


This for some odd reason caused Mason to flush just like their last interaction and squirm in his seat.

"Well then I guess Mason is accepted then"said Nathan smirking. 

A/N: Special thanks to @Aloistrancy7258 for requesting that I do another one shot with wolves, which makes sense considering I love werewolf stories myself.  It's not edited, none of my one shots are, I'm way too lazy to do that. Anyways keep requesting!

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