Creep part 2

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 "Hayes stop it!" complained Mason glaring at his mate from across the table with strings of pasta hanging from his mouth.

"What you're cute" He smirked while taking a glance of the adorable yet horrible picture he had just took of his lover. Mason just pouted and crossed his arms when he got a glint of trouble in his eyes. He leaned into the table with his crossed arms covering his mouth so that Hayes couldn't see his smile .

"Fucking creep" m he mumbled knowing it would reach his boyfriend's ears with his super weird werewolf hearing ability thingy. All of a sudden you could hear the fork screech of Haye's plate and everything pause. Mason took a glance at his mate trying not to give a teasing stare, even though his blush was getting redder and redder by the moment.

"Are you serious?! Last time I checked you were the creep who for some weird reason felt the need to snap a picture of me the first time I saw you!"

And of course that little speech gave Mason just the time he needed to get a perfect fake cry started. He sniffled and downcast his eyes trying not to laugh, favourite past time had to be getting Haye's mad especially because he fell for it every single time.

"Oh"Was all Mason said as he got up wiped his mouth and started the walk to their bedroom. Mason had officially moved into the packhouse with Hayes when he turned 18 that year. Now he most definitely was not a werewolf considering how freaked he was for a second when all of a sudden he felt Hayes's arms wrap around him from behind though he knew it was going to happen anyways.

"I'm so sorry baby, don't cry you're not a creep. If anything you're the most beautiful stalker I've ever seen" Mason sniffled once more and Hayes's body stiffened. "Oh shit" he whispered . "I mean no, no, no baby you're not a beautiful stalker,ah ah I mean yes you're beautiful- " another whimper " Hhh ok so yes I'm an asshole and I can't be nice but you're beautiful and I love you even though I tend to be rude to everyone else, but being rude to you doesn't feel right-" "It's ok you're my asshole" Mason turned around around in Hayes's arms grabbed his face and kissed him.

A/N: Lmao so k worst fucking update and shortest one in the world and it sucks, I know. However I said I would do this weeks ago and I like never did because of the fact that my procrastination game too strong. But keep sending in your requests because I will get to them eventually. By the way I don't do incest or twincest   

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