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August appeared out of nowhere and everyone's faces dropped and became gloomy. Half of summer was gone, school fast approaching the feeling of forever freedom zoomed by in a flash just as it did so every year .

Kind of like August smith . August was a quiet boy, did not say much , just wore light blue skinny jeans, black docs (not the high top kind) with a plain shirt a crazy socks.

August was different and without him even knowing , everyone who lay their eyes upon him, was in love. He's a sweet boy, and innocent boy, a humble one at that too. His naturally pouty lips made the girls swoon when he pulled a face of confusion make his fuller lips express . The boys made their fun, but were jealous of his way of not caring how he looked but always managed to make everyone else look like a mess.

He was stunning but no one knew him, or at least not for too long. Since the time he was 7, his family had been travelling all across the country for his fathers work that caused him to move a lot . His name was August but his aroma was a sweet July summer nights. But the humble boy never spoke to anyone because he was August , and as soon as July ended the disappointment came, because he knew he'd be gone soon, him and is loving tender summer breeze.

"If a flower never wilts, has it ever really lived ?" Mumbled August to himself as he chewed on his ball point pen , but quickly furrowed his eyebrows and scratched it out . He was alone, like always in the schools library . He preferred to go there after school most of times because at home , no one was there. Here he was filled with the stories around him and secretly loved the silent chatter in the background.

He wasn't to say an eavesdropper, except he was. He had nothing better to do, so he sat 'reading' a book, silently listening . Besides it wasn't like his fellow classmates had to worry about what he had heard * cough* Vaughn Amelia we know you have chlamydia *cough* . He didn't have anyone to tell.

"Bruh , dude. Chill man" an slightly stoned voice said to another eyes darting around.

August rolled his eyes. It was the voice of Dimitri Royal . Through his countless school experiences he has met many Dimitri Royals . The jock, the most popular guy in school, lady killer the player etc .

Of course him and Sean wallick were stoned after school in the library. They were popular. No one would call them sketchy, probably praise them.

Sean giggled uncontrollably in response , of course he was the giggle type .
"Duuuuude, I soo cannot chill man, dude ! My best amigo just told me he was gay ! Haha ! Suh man " Sean giggled even more stuffing his head into his shoulder with an uncontrollable grin.

" Dude ! Shh ! Shh!" His eyes darted even more wildly around the library. Hmm so Dimitri was the paranoid kind of stoner , not the best pair .

But the conversation spiked an interest within August , his face flushed and his palms became sweaty as he turned to look at the two .

Now that he realized it, Dimitri was hot, unbelievably hot. His entire body stiffened as he grabbed his things and booked it out the door .


A few years have passed, and August is going to university , he couldn't be happier . He has a dorm Adam everything ! A place where he could finally stay , well at least for a few years that is. He makes it to his dorm room. It has a small sitting area and two separated tiny , VERY tiny rooms . He chooses the one on the right and throws his things into the bed and gives a stretch. Just then he hears the door to his room open, so he decided a to greet his new roommate.

He makes eye contact with a man he thought he'd never see again. Both of them are completely stunned, just staring into each other's eyes.

" When you went to my school I wanted to bang you so bad " said Dimitri Royal .

A/N: so what's good dogs ? Also thanks to everyone who sent requests ! Oh wait no one did 😅😭😭😭 not edited and don't really have intentions to do so. BTW THIS WAS INSPIRED BY ALL THE POSTS IVE SEEN ABOUT EVERYONE BEING UPSET ITS THE FIRST DAY OF AUGUST

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