Moving day

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  The cold October air swept through the small town and leaves were lifted with the wind swaying past a for sale sign. Solaris looked at the small house in front of him and sighed . This house was beautiful , why would someone sell it ? People don't know what they have before it's taken away.

" This is a nice two bedroom, one and a half bathroom bungalow with granite counter tops within your price range, ready to go inside ?" Asked the real estate agent, Marcello.

Solaris nodded his head and stepped inside the white bungalow . The house was very open concept, which he liked .

" So this is the living room , it has a electrical fireplace for the cold winter fast approaching and a good amount of space for entertaining " said Marcello.

However Solaris was not listening. Instead he was looking at the paintings on the walls . Three ginormous water colour paintings covered the walls of the living room . He was amazed by the detail and even himself felt something as he looked at the pieces, they were simple yet they had such more deeper meaning to it.

" Ah yes, the current owner of this house , Clae Jenkins is an artist " spoke Marcello as he also looked at the paintings in admiration . " He's selling those paintings separate from the house. They are put more for an advertisement . Here's his business card if you're interested in purchasing one " Marcello handed him a small slip of laminated paper that read, " Clae's works for inquiries please contact 226-***-**** "
Solaris nodded, shoved the card in his pocket and moved on .

Later that evening , at the end of a long day of looking at houses, Solaris finally reached his current residence and took his keys out of his pockets to put on the dish at the front door. His hand also met the touch of the business card in his pocket . He pulled it out and stared at it for a while . It was only 7:30. This Clae was probably still awake , maybe he could call him to ask about the paintings.

Solaris pulled out his telephone from his back pocket of his jeans and dialled the number on the front of the card and waited as it rang .

Ring, ring, ri-

" Mmmm, hello? " questioned at tired sounding babyish yet sexy voice . Solaris bit his lip at the sound restraining himself .

" Uh hi, my name is Solaris I was looking at your place today and was wondering about your paintings" as he walked and talked, his stripped on his way to his bedroom. Leaving him in just his boxers .

" REALLY? OH MY YUMMY TUMMY NO ONE HAS ASKED ABOUT THOSE YET , THANKS SUPER DUPER !" Yelled a voice through the phone sounding a billion more times awake than before . Solaris couldn't help himself and let out a laugh and the sound .

" oh my goodness I'm sorry " said Clae " professional Clae, professional" he whispered to himself .

" Nah it's ok man, your paintings are really good . I might even end up buying your house too , haha" said Solaris as he walked himself to his bathroom.

" Awe thank you ! And unm you interrupted my ni ni time, so maybe we could talk about this over coffee tomorrow morning ? 8 am at Sylvester's on Robins street ?" Asked Clae . Now, normally if anyone else in this entire world asked Solaris to by somewhere at eight o' clock in the morning he would have laughed right in their face. But there was just something about that cute little voice of Clae's that he couldn't resist .

" Yeah ok , I'll be there " said Solaris run a hand through his messy dark curls .
" sweet dreams " Solaris said in very husky seductive voice just to tease Clae .
"UHHH I- I GOTTAGOSEEYOUTOMORROWBYE" Clae rushed and ended the call. Solaris chuckled deeply at the response . He looked at himself in the mirror if he were told to describe himself he would say decent . He had naturally black that imitated the locks of Matthew Healy and deep green eyes with sparks of yellow racing through them . He had a solid chest with slight abs , his New Years resolution was to get fit and he was definitely going to accomplish it . And lastly he had a very happy trail leading from his belly button to his special place . If you asked him, he'd say he was decent, if you asked anyone else he was a Greek God in disguise.

Clae's hands trembled as he grasped the coffee in his hands that the cashier had just given him. He looked around and found an empty booth and sat in it, waiting for his potential client . He checked his watch 8:01 am . He looked around in anticipation . He was so excited that someone was interested in his paintings and even more so even buying one . The last time someone had tried to buy a piece of his work they told him fifty five dollars was too much for the medium sized portrait for a piece of shit and threw it in his face and left. Plus the fact the of the maybe buyer was sexy and Clae loved it . Clae was 27 years old and living all by himself in a small little bungalow and he could no longer stand it. He was constantly alone and the place haunted him . He had never been in a relationship before partly because people were too afraid to approach the beautiful creature, partly because he was antisocial . Clae was small at a height of 5'3 and his hair was dyed white and he had large brown doe eyes and a permanent pout .

Just then Solaris came into the coffee shop . He simply ordered a black coffee (which Clae hated just as he hated flavoured coffee) and looked around . It was easy to spot Clae. The shop was very cozy yet didn't get many customers .

He approached Clae " Are you the guy that's selling the paintings ?"

Clae slightly blushed pink. Solaris was so HOT.

"UUHHHH,YES!" He blurted but quickly covered his mouth and scolded his anxiety for its childish ways .

Solaris chuckled and slid into the other side of the booth .

" how was your ni ni time last night, huh?" Asked Solaris as he raised an eyebrow with a teasing smirk. Clae's face looked like it had been shoved into a can of bright red pink as he mentally face palmed repeatedly. Why did he say that ?!?

" Um it was good ! Um I- I got a good nights rest !" He said quickly trying not to look at Solaris . He felt dumb.

" I'll buy the one of the boy " said Solaris calmly taking a sip of his coffee.

Clae had almost forgot that this was a business meeting and not a date . He nodded his head very fast .
" it's 250$ and please before you freak out , I put a lot f effort into that piece ! I worked about a month on it and I needed to buy a hecka lotta paint for it plus the the fact it takes up one third of a big wall! So it's big ! And- " Clae's rant was cut short by two hundred and fifty dollars in cash was placed on the table in front of him. He looked up at Solaris in confusion . He didn't think he'd actually but it.

" Same time next week " Solaris not of stated rather than asked . He stood up, Kiss Clae on the forehead and left the coffee shop.

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