Chapter 5

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(The video is from Yuri on Ice. I am in love with the anime!)

The annoying sounds of a tapping fills the room. Steady breaths rise and fall. A monitor somewhere beeps incessantly amid the backdrop of the shadowy room. An impatient male sighs, tapping his foot on the floor as he leans back in his chair and rests his head on the wall behind him. A soft sigh sounds beside him, gentle, almost a whisper.

The beeping of the machines next to the bed bring the boy's attention forth as the heart rate monitor speeds up slightly. He glances from the monitor to the tube connecting to it. His gaze travels up to the form of the indigo haired teen in the bed, no current trace of her sassy demeanor. Small breaths rise her shoulders up and down in soft, subtle movements. 

Another sigh escapes her lips and Sora shudders, a raspy breath coming from deep inside her s she slowly opens her eyes. The sight that greets her makes her wonder if she was still asleep as a pair of vermilion eyes meet hers. The shock on Bakugo's face is quickly replaced by relief. He seems to struggle with himself for a split second before smiling slightly. 

"Oi, Flicker, ya made us all worry. That was reckless, overusing your quirk to that point. The Pro heroes showed up shortly after you passed out. Still... Stupid Girl! You could have gotten yourself killed. So damn reckless. I didn't need your help but still you... Damnit!" Bakugo's husky voice growls as he slams his hand into the wall. Sora watches him quietly, knowing that beneath the anger lay concern. She knew he was trying to mask his emotions, his worry. 

Allowing him to finish, Sora shakily sits up, her body slightly unsteady. Worry flickers through Bakugo's eyes as she manages to sit up and holds her head, wincing in pain as she does so. A pounding headache beat  on the walls of Sora's brain, all but eviscerating what felt left of her scrambled brain matter. A groan escapes Sora's lips as she massages her temples in an attempt to appease the angry brain-gods. 

Sora turns her head slightly, her eyes darkened to a soft plum as she gingerly speaks. "What happened to Dad?" She asks in a soft whisper, begging herself not to throw up as her head thrums like the goddess of war was bashing her axe on the inflamed walls of her brain. 

Bakugo's eyes close for a moment as he racks his brain. "Oh, right. Mr. Aizawa is your dad. Currently, he's in surgery. Recovery Girl is trying to fix as much of the damage as she can. They've given us the next two days off of school as well because of the attack. The question is, where are you going to go after this? Going home alone after this attack would be stupid," Bakugo mutters. 

 "I don't know. Since he took me in, it's always been just us. Present Mic lives on campus... I'm pretty much all alone until he recovers. Oh! But I will be fine. Don't worry about me. I can just go home and wait until-" "No!" Bakugo interrupts, making Sora startle slightly. "What are you-" she starts, only to be interrupted yet again. 

"I'd make a damn shitty hero one day if I let you go home alone, only to have something happen to you. We'll get you a change of clothes or two, but you'll be coming home with me. I'm not taking no for an answer," Bakugo growls slightly as he runs his fingers through his spiky hair. The ash blonde strands shimmer softly in the low lighting.

"Did you just decide that on your own? I bet you never even okayed that with your parents, jumping the gun as usual," Sora counters, her eyes shifting to the door as it opens. Before Bakugo can reply, a very short old woman with her gray hair in a bun comes through the door. Her mouth stretches into a smile as she sees Sora sitting up  in the bed. 

 "Well, finally up are you? Learn any lessons, foolish child? I suppose not. Your quirk was seriously over used in that incident. Was bleeding from your nose and ears not enough indication to stop?" Recovery Girl scolds Sora who just bows her head. "I'm sorry," Sora whispers softly, her eyes downcast at the sheets on the bed. Recovery Girl makes a face. 

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