Chapter 10

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The Bakugo household was really chaotic. Both son and mother had a strange relationship, and while it was fun to watch, Sora found herself missing her dad. Aizawa was all she had, and even though he was healing, the teen could not wait to sit on the couch watching reruns of South Park and Family Guy with him while he made hysterically sarcastic comments about the content. Bakugo knew she was missing him, and he did his best to help her, often offering to go out and train her or to watch more Yuri on Ice with her.

She was slowly beginning to develop feelings for the spiky haired blonde, and that scared her. Who was to say that he would hold her heart carefully? Bakugo never did anything carefully. Not even in the slightest. But the Indigo haired teen could slowly begin to feel herself being drawn to him and that scared the living hell out of her. She could deal with being friends, but was unsure if she could handle being more than that. Other than Aizawa, everyone else she ever loved had disappeared from her life. It made the young girl terrified that if she allowed herself to fall, he would as well.

So instead, she observed and tried to keep telling herself that he was just a friend. That he was just being nice to her because she had almost lost her dad. But if she was actually honest with herself, she would admit that he was never just nice to others, not Katsuki Bakugo. He was the type of guy who never gave a crap how he came off and whom he offended. He was not the definition of nice. And had Sora actually opened her eyes to see it, she would know that he actually liked her. But instead, she guarded her heart, afraid to let him or anyone else in.

As the girl in question stepped out of the shower, toweling off her long wet hair, she tried to get the picture of his face out of her mind. Tomorrow, her dad would be home and she would return to the usual comfortable routine that she was used to without needing to rely on the spiky blonde porcupine. But as she got dressed, she tried to shut her heart down on all the reasons that her heart wanted to hold onto the what if's.

What if he wouldn't disappear?

What if he actually liked her?

What if she could have a future that was not just pure pro hero business?

What if she could make connections that lasted a lifetime?

What if....

A knock on the door catches her attention, pulling the girl out of her collective thoughts. She pulls her shorts all the way up and opens the door, looking out curiously as a pair of Vermilion eyes stare back at her. "Are you done yet? I also need a shower and I would like some hot water," Bakugo tells her as he puts his hand on the wall next to her head. Sora blinks for a second as the question registers in her brain before nodding to him.

"The bathroom is all yours," She chirps happily, throwing the door wide open as she exits, putting her towel in the hamper before heading to Bakugo's bedroom. She didn't want to make him mad, much preferring when he was in a good mood. As she enters the room, she grabs the remote to the tv and sets up funimation app. They were almost all the way through Yuri on Ice, the two of them actually finding pleasure in watching it together. Bakugo turned out to be a Yuri Plisetsky fan, Sora being torn between Yuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov.

Around 10 minutes later, Bakugo comes back in and sits at the edge of the bed while Sora plays on her phone. A minute later Bakugo frowns. "Well? Are you going to press play or not?" his grumpy voice asks, catching the girl's attention immediately. She blinks and nods, hitting the play button as episode 10 plays before them.

"Yurio is going to win this," Bakugo declares. Sora blinks, scrunching her face up. "And why do you say that?" She asks. He turns to her, eyes bearing into hers. "Because, he is like me. He sees what he wants and he goes for it. Losing is not an option for him. We are one and the same. Except I am not a sparkle fairy ice skating twinkle toes," He says decisively.

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