Chapter 2

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(Chapter 2 out! And I didn't post it at 11:00 pm! I'm proud of myself. Well, enjoy!)

(Past me, ur kinda cringe -Mo)

I sat at that fountain for about five hours reading the book and writing the more important information down in my memory journal. This way I would be able to easily access the information I needed without having to flip through the whole book. However, as I read the book, I noticed that there were a lot of difficult materials to gather needed to go to the Nether. For example, you needed fourteen large pieces of obsidian which you could only get with a diamond pickaxe. Both of those would take days maybe weeks to get. And just to add to the struggle, there were large warnings all over the book talking about how the Nether is a dangerous place and how you shouldn't try to go there. I sighed as I shut the book and my journal and placed them into my bag. This would be a rough journey. Then again, I never thought it would be easy.

Looking up at the sun I could tell the time was about 3:30 and that it was about time I ate something. I looked over my right shoulder and saw some villagers farming. I could always take some of their food like other people do, but it just felt wrong to me. So instead I stood up and slowly walked out of the village to hopefully get some berries in the woods. This way I wouldn't be stealing from the farmers who work hard to get their food.

The dirt path slowly merged into the soft grass that I loved to feel under my feet. I know it seemed odd but I loved the feeling of grass. Slowly I crouched down and picked up a little bit of grass to play with and feel as I searched. Surely enough about 20 minutes later I found some berry bushes which I gladly crouched down to pick. Each red berry had a sweet almost sugar-like taste which I loved. Then as I was enjoying the berries I saw an arrow zoom by my head from my right side. I quickly turned towards where the arrow shot from and jumped back as another was shot. I backed up against a tree dropping all of the berries onto the ground.

I watched as the person who was shooting at me walked out from behind some thick underbrush and tried to look me directly in the eyes. By avoiding eye contact I noticed that he had brown hair and a hat? Around his head. Then the man sighed and lowered his bow.

"Not an enderman." I heard him call out and suddenly the rattling of leaves from behind made me jump away from the tree. Walking into the clearing was another man with long pink hair and a skull-like mask.

The pigman looked at me and sighed. "Shit," he muttered to himself, "Are you injured in any way shape, or form?" I shook my head no. The pigman sighed again and walked towards the other with the bow. "Wilbur you literally almost shot an innocent creature cause you thought it was an enderman. I know you're not the smartest but you have to use your head and think before you just start shooting." He spoke in a monotone voice patting 'Wilbur' on the shoulder.

"Well, it's not my fault! From my side, he looks like an enderman!" 'Wilbur' yelled at the pigman, "In fact, it's your fault for not telling me that he wasn't an endermen sooner, Techno!"

"Bruh I was hiding behind the tree not looking directly at him. If I did that my cover would have been blown!" 'Techno' argued. "And you still almost shot this guy so at least you could apologize."

"Apologize!? he's right there! He can probably hear how sorry I am right now." 'Wilbur' seethed looking at me as he said the word sorry. Then both of them turned to look at me making me flinch.

"Look, now he's scared of us. Not that I mind but don't you have somewhat of a reputation for being a 'good guy'" The pigman asked.

"If I had a reputation for being a 'good guy' I wouldn't be hanging out with you Techno." Wilbur retorted angrily.

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