Chapter 9

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(Guess what?! NEW CHAPTER!!! Hopefully now with summer in full swing, I'll be able to update a lot more. But at the same time, I'm lazy so maybe not. Oh well. Enjoy the chapter!) -Mo

We all headed back down the steep red brick stairs, which was a little difficult considering I had a large bag of nether warts in my hands that I was trying not to drop. The last thing I need is everyone here thinking I can't carry a bag.

"The dumb fucks who designed this stare case couldn't have made them a little easier to walk down?!" Tommy yelled from in front of me. That's right. Tommy is also carrying a bag of nether warts. At least if he drops it as well I won't look like as much of a fool. But at the same time, I wouldn't want Tommy to drop it and get hurt.

"No, they couldn't have Tommy it was impossible for them," Wilbur sarcastically responded. How do they fight so much at one moment then get along at the next?!

"Oh shut up! You're, not the one carrying down the bags of nether wart dickhead!" Tommy yelled back. "Ranboo and I are doing all the heavy lifting! Right Ranboo?" Tommy asked but I think it was a question with only one right answer. And I did not want to get it wrong.

"Yeah!" I yelled with excitement in my voice. Tommy then turned sound and smiled while Wilbur just grumbled making me gulp. "Y-yeah," I said again with a lot less power behind it.

"Wil and Tommy can you two please stop fighting for just two seconds!?" Phil's voice echoed up the stairs, "You're giving me a headache!" He said making me regret my decision to say 'yeah' even more.

"Oh, you're just saying that so we shut up! You can't get empathy from me bitch!" Tommy yelled back down the stairs towards Phil.

"TOMMY!" Phil yelled back making me jump. Tommy tensed up a little and quickly apologized.

"SORRY PHIL!" Tommy bellowed. "Ranboo, Mr. Minecrafts mad at me," Tommy said looking back with a joking fear, "What do I do?"

"Uh... I don't know, run?" I answered honestly. That's what I did whenever a villager got mad at me. I think that Tommy took it as a joke because he burst into laughter dropping some of the nether warts on the stairs. I smiled from his contagious laughter but I was confused why he was laughing in the first place.

Once we made it down the steps, I dropped the bag next to my feet and opened up my memory book so I could update it. It was best I did it now anyways before I forget what happened. Grabbing the pen that was attached to the string, I began to write.


March 3rd, 2703

Current friends: Maybe, Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo!

New goal: Go to the Nether (Completed!) Get ghast tears

I'm currently about to go into the Nether with everyone! Hopefully there I can find what I need to go to the end. Phil made me an iron sword and some armor which I'm grateful for. Oh, also I went on a trip this morning with Techno and Wilbur where we got iron. There I talked to an enderman, well he talked to me and I understood him! I think he said something about me being a friend.

Phil needs Ghast tears and Nether wart which can be found in a fortress.

We found a fortress! We got the nether wart and now just have to get the ghast tears. Techno I believe snuck off while we were grabbing nether wart and killed some weird creatures called blazes. He got these yellow sticks from them but Phil took them and placed them in the bag with the ender pearls.

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