Chapter 5

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(I was getting better with my sleep schedule, but now it's 12:16 am and a day late. I am amazing. Enjoy this chapter ya peeps.)

(Bruh in the future sleep is gonna become your favorite thing.)

I opened my eyes and felt tears prick my eyelids as I watched the home I lived in being destroyed. I tried to walk forwards but my feet stuck to the ground like glue keeping me in place. I looked over my shoulder and saw others screaming and running. Some were crying over dead bodies while others were pushing and shoving trying to get themselves and their families to safety. Everyone was suffering. Everyone was in pain. I felt my knees buckle out from underneath me as I continued to stare at the burning home in front of me. I felt the tears drip that built up earlier fall down my face stinging harshly as they went. We weren't meant to show much emotion. We weren't supposed to cry. Yet almost every one of us was.

Suddenly I felt my arm get violently pulled dragging me away from the burning home. I turned around to see a familiar face. This was someone I could trust. They led me through the chaos constantly repeating how I and everyone else would be okay. They were lying. Everyone wasn't okay. And I would never be okay after this day. With a loud crash, the house next to us fell crushing the one who was leading me with the debris. Their blood slowly painted the ground below me in a deep color that reflected the sky. My eyes drifted to their face meeting dull ones. They once had eyes filled with life and joy. I stepped back from their body in a panic. No, this isn't happening. I took another step. This isn't real. I stepped back again and felt myself trip and fall backward, the ground approaching fast, but before I could hit the rough terrain I shot up awaking from my slumber.

I looked around the yellow walls of the tent almost not believing they were real at first from confusing them with the yellow ground of that world. I quickly grabbed my memory book out of my bag so I wouldn't forget the dream, but as soon as I brought the pen to the paper my mind blanked making me forget everything. Sighing, I grabbed the small lantern that I must have forgotten to blow out and unzipped the front of the tent. The first thing I noticed was that the sky was still pitch black dotted with little white specks here and there. The second thing I noticed was Techno sitting on the ground next to the un-lit campfire and his lantern.

"Did I wake you?" He asked in a whisper-like voice that was surprisingly still audible from where I was.

"No, I just woke up from a bad dream," I said fully exiting my tent and standing up, "What about you?" I asked walking over and taking a seat next to him.

"I just couldn't sleep. This happens for most nights with me." He chuckled softly before continuing, "What was the dream about?" He asked sounding somewhat interested.

"Honestly I can't remember." I said pausing for a moment, "I just know something or someone I cared for got hurt." I said pulling my knees up to my chest and looking forwards.

"Those ones are always the worst. A friend told me that nightmares only ruin the best of sleeps." Techno said leaning back and looking at the stars.

"Your friend is right. Nightmare's only ruin the good ones," I said also leaning back and watching the stars. My eyes flickered between each star holding there for a second before moving on to another. "Techno? Have you been to the Nether before?" I asked with a mix of boredom and curiosity.

Techno looked at the ground and started fidgeting with a rock, "Yeah, I was actually born there. Then I followed someone back through their nether portal so now I'm here. If you're worried about the trip to the nether don't be. You and everyone else will be okay."

I froze in my spot. They said those words. You and everyone else will be okay. You and everyone else will be okay. Y-you w-ill eve-ryone ok-ay wil-l w-ill oka-y els-e every-one y-ou a-re oka-y. They said those words. looked down at my hands which were slightly shaking. They said those words. They said those words in my dream. I remember them.

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