Caught Up In Love and War (Prologue)

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I'm a big girl now!  You know why?


I ran through the deep snow as fast as my feet could carry me.  I was a pretty good runner, but the snow was almost reaching my knees so that made it harder to run.  More snow flurried around in the air, making it hard to see very far.  If I was normal, I would have been lost long ago.  Then again, if I was normal then I wouldn't be in this mess now would I?

I sped onward, watching nothing but the dancing snow.  Then, I saw spots of red in the snow on the ground.  I stop in my tracks, slowly following the red trail.  I clutched my navy blue cloak, trying to shield myself from the winds getting ever stronger.  I finally came across the body of a girl lying in the snow.  Her eyes were closed and there was a deep looking gash on her neck, blood streaming out.  Her whole body was cut and bloody.  She was lying on her stomach, so I couldn't tell what had happened to her heart, but it had probably been stabbed.  What made the scene even more gruesome was the fact that her right arms was missing, leaving in it's place a pool of blood.

The smell found it's way to my nose, and I cringed at it's stench.  I quickly ran past the dead girl, continuing on till I found the portal.  I shivered, but not from the cold.  The cold couldn't touch me anymore.  I had shivered from the thought of ending up like that girl. The cold winds sent snow flying in all different directions, covering my light brown hair with the snowflakes.  I closed my eyes, fighting the blizzard.  After what felt like hours but was actually only about ten minutes, I reached the portal.  It was too bright to miss, glowing a pale blue and looking misty like it usually did.

All I had to do was jump through it.  Nothing hard, right?

I turned around, making sure no one was following me.

I jumped, letting my pale body be sucked into the portal.  My cloak billowed in the wind, revealing to no one my blood-stained shirt.  I disappeared through the portal.  As I entered the other side, I hoped that they wouldn't follow me.

Not anyone.

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