Caught Up In Love and War (3)

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Chapter Three

A familiar chime echoed across the school grounds signalling to us students and teachers that the school day would begin in ten minutes.

I scurried over to the school, still a block away.  I better not be tardy everyday.  It wouldn't be too good if I stood out; it would bring too much attention to myself.  I had decided that I don't want attention, but a normal human life.  Of course, there was the fact that I wasn't a human to consider.  Oh well, I'll do my best to blend in with the other students.

My sunblock was on so the sunlight was harmless to me.  I was about to cross the street to the school parking lot when a student pulled up in a sliver new looking car.  The driver was one of the guys in my math class, Mr. what's-his-face.  Did I ever hear his name?

The guy spotted me, smirking.  "Math girl gotta walk?"

I smiled, nodding.  "It's a good exercise, math dude."

He laughed.  "The name is Lucas, remember?"

I thought back to yesterday, then shook my head.  He sighed, but before he could say anything a car behind him honked.

"Move it jerk!"  Someone from the car behind Lucas yelled at him.

Without hesitation, Lucas drove into the school parking lot, reminding me to get over there before I was late.

After I had made sure that there were no more cars in the street, I darted across and over to the side doors.  I pulled one of the doors open and stepped inside, spotting our assisstant principle, Mr. Boyd.  No one liked him, since he was really strict and mean.  Someone yesterday told me that every time he smiles, a student is expelled.  Hopefully, that won't ever be me.

He always wore a scowl on his face, as if he was incapable of changing expressions more than twice a day.  A few students were snickering and pointing to a younger, geeky looking kid as he tripped on his shoelace.  Mr. Boyd approached the students.  I didn't stay to listen, but I almost pitied them.  Almost.  They had been laughing at someone.

I found my locker, opening it up and thrusting some of my school books into the messenger bag my neighbor had given me as a welcome present.  It was mainly dark blue and a little torn on the side, but it'll do.

After I had collected all of the necessary books into my bag, I wandered over to my math class.  When I got there, I saw Ms. Cole pinning a paper to the bulletin board by her room.  Before entering her domain, I checked out the paper.

---------------------------------------------AFTER SCHOOL MATH CLASS---------------------------------------------

-------------------------------If there is anyone in dire need of extra help in math,-----------------------------

-------------------------------------------come see Ms. Cole after school.--------------------------------------------

--------------------------- Please, don't show up unless it is very very necessary.---------------------------


I smiled to myself when I read it.  I wouldn't be needing the extra tutoring, but the way she wrote the message made me smile.  This was one teacher I was never going to forget.

I opened her classroom door and quietly walked to my desk.  I scanned the room, looking for the girl from last night.  I didn't see her anywhere.  Defeated, I sat down with a glum expression, resting my chin on my right palm with my right elbow on my desk.

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