Caught Up In Love and War (5)

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Chapter Five

I was sitting in the back of the room in my normal seat beside Hannah, leaning back to rest against the back of my chair.  My eyes were glued to the clock as I impatiently waited for math to start.  Today was Crystine's first day of school and she had ended up in three of my classes, including math.  I was curious to see how she and the rest of the class would react to her presence.

Finally the bell rang signalling the start of a new day and tellin everyone to take their seats.  Ms. Cole was writing the lesson plan on the chalkboard when she heard the bell.  She put the blue chalk down and spun around to face us.

"Take your seats class, all of you," she began.  "I know it's a Monday but that doesn't mean today is going to be boring.  It turns out that we have another new student.  Her name is Crystine Deleon.  Come on in here!"

Crystine casually walked in the room, chewing gum and hiding her hands in her pockets.

"Hey there girl," Justin greeted her, nodding and trying to act cool.

Crystine turned to look at him, then said "Hey there dumb ass."

Her greeting caused some people to laugh, but made others break out into argument with whomever would listen.

"Who does that girl think she is, calling Justin a dumbass?" One of the girls in front of me asked her seat partner.

"Oh please, Justin doesn't like you anyway so stop trying to act like you know him," her seat partner responded, chuckling.  This caused their own argument to begin.  Crystine didn't seem to care that some of the girls were yelling and directing hateful language at her.

"Calm down class," Ms. Cole instructed.  The room fell silent.  "Now Crystine, could you take your seat over there by Nathan?" Ms. Cole pointed to an open spot by a sly looking guy and Crystine walked over and did as she was told.  "Thank you, now let's begin the lesson for today."

The class went by fast, Ms. Cole even ended early so she could go and copy some papers for her next class.  While she was gone, there was more fighting.  Though, even if Ms. Cole was here I don't think she would have cared.

"Hey girlie, want to hang out some time?" Justin asked Crystine, approaching her seat.

Crystine stood up, grabbed Justin's hand, then flipped him over in the air.  Justin banged his foot on a desk but landed on the hard floor.  Then, once Justin had recovered and was standing back up, she showed him her middle finger then said "Hell no."

I was watching in awe at Crystine.  Many of Justin's fan-girls were glaring at Crystine like they wanted to kill her for two reasons.  One, because she was lucky enough to have been asked out by Justin, and two, because she had just refused Justin in a very painful way.

Crystine strode past Justin without giving him so much as a glance and made her way over to me.  I gave a side glance to Hannah, who had her mouth still open in shock.  Did she know Crystine was a vampire?

"Hey Autumn," Crystine smiled when she reached me, much more friendly than with Justin.

"Um, hi Crystine," I nervously said.

"Dude, relax.  I'm not like that to everyone."

"You better not be, or else this will be your first and last day of high school here."

"Fine by me; I don't want to be here anyway."

"No one does."  We both nodded and I decided to introduce her to Hannah.  "Hannah, this is Crystine."

"Hi Crystine," Hannah waved, looking unease.

"Don't worry, I don't dislike you either," Crystine assured her.

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