Caught Up In Love and War (2)

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Chapter Two

"No!" A woman yelled, clutching a bundled up baby in her arms with tears trickling down her face.  She had light brown hair and wore a long plain black dress.  She held on to the baby; tightly as if trying to protect it.

 A man wearing a crimson cloak with a hood over his head merely laughed.  The ends of his mouth curled into a grin.  I couldn't see anything past his forehead, but that didn't matter.

 His greedy eyes said it all.

He reached forward, gently as if to appear trustworthy.  The woman didn't buy his act, however, backing away from him in a feeble attempt to escape.  Shee turned to run, but he effortlessly grabbed her arm and whipped her around.

 A second man appeared out of thin air beside the woman, putting his arm around her small shoulders.  He was taller than her, with short dark hair and brown eyes.

 "Please, sir," the second man pleaded.

 "Ha!  I get anything I want, and I want that child, Dorian," the greedy man laughed.

 Dorian put his free hand in front of him, muttering something under his breath.

Before Dorian could finish what he was saying, the greedy man slapped his outstretched hand away.  "Using your magic is futile here, sorcerer."

 I could tell by the look in Dorian's eyes that he knew that.

The sound of footsteps reached my ears, and my view turned toward three men who were approaching the scene.  Two of them grabbed Dorian and pinned him to a nearby tree.  He struggled to free himself, looking terrified and angry.  I just now realized that we were all standing in a forest.  Well, I wasn't here, but they were.

The third man grabbed the woman's shoulders, keeping her still as she struggled, sobbing the whole time.  The greedy man grabbed the bundled up and sleeping baby and tore him or her from the woman's trembling arms.  The baby awoke, staring up at the mysterious man.

Before the baby could even make a sound, fangs shot out of the greedy man's gums and he bit the baby on the neck.  I wanted to run up and save the poor child, but all I could do was watch.  The woman was crying and Dorian looked like someone had just stabbed him.  The three men showed no emotion, and that was that.

My eyes fluttered open.

I was still laying on the couch.  That dream.  It proved how much vampires didn't care about anyone else's lives.  At least most of them anyway.  There was something familiar about that man though, and with a jolt I realized that it had been my father.

 I could feel the anger rising as I yelled out "Damn you father!"  I didn't care.  I didn't even know if what I saw had ever happened.  I did know one thing though.

He totally would have done that.

I jumped off the couch, not tired in the slightest anymore.  I looked out the window, relieved to see that it was dark.  Well, time to feed.

I made my way to my door, cautiously opening it and stepping outside.  Well not outside outside, just outside my apartment room.  As quietly as I could, I closed my door, then walked over to the room across from me.  My footsteps were inaudible.  I reached forward and tried the knob, but the door was locked.

 Disappointed, I crept down the stairs and over to another door.  It was also locked.  The chances that the last door was unlocked were slim, but even so I tried to open it.  Locked.

Cursing in my mind, I gently opened the door and slid out into the starry night.  A cresent moon was position nearly right over my head.  The cool air felt good on my pale skin.  Even though I was immune to the cold, I could still feel it.  I hadn't shivered my whole life.

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