Caught Up In Love and War (4)

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Chapter Four

"Autumn!" My French teacher barked at me from across the room.  I had had my head resting on my desk as he gave his usual boring lecture about the trip to France that I wasn't attending.  Since it had no meaning to me, I never listened.  Now, apparently, he thought I had been sleeping during his class.

"Yes sir?" I asked in a bored tone, raising my head and fixing my hair.  My bangs were bobby-pinned to the top of my head and the rest was loosely hanging down, brushing against my shoulders.

"Why were you sleeping?  Don't you know how important it is that you pay attention?" My teacher questioned my lack of interest.

"Sorry.  I wasn't sleeping though, I was resting.  And I'm not going to France since this is my first year here."  Anyone who wanted to go to France in the Spring had to have taken at least two years of French at this school.  Since this was my first year here- heck, this was my first year at any human school- I couldn't go.  Besides, where was I going to find the money to pay for it?

"Still, Mademoiselle, you shouldn't slack off or your grades will go down as well."

"Yeah yeah."  Today was Friday, and I couldn't wait to get home.  I know I came here so I could live with the humans, but must I really put myself through this torture?  The answer is yes.  If I was going to act like a human, than this is dire.

After French was lunch.  I don't know why I'm taking French, since I'm already good at speaking it.  I had learned it when I was six, so I've memorized basically the whole language.  I had to take some language though, so I chose French.  Also, that quiz in math had been easy just like Lucas had promised.

Once I entered the cafeteria, my eyes scanned the rows and rows of tables and an ample amount of people.  I found Hannah mixed in with the crowd and made my way over to her.  She was sharing a table with the usual people: Kylie, Anna, and Stephanie.  They were her friends, so I had made it my goal to befriend them.  Kylie was very easy to get along with, and Anna was a shy girl. Stephanie was always full of energy, which was good because she loved to play sports.  She would be playing volleyball in a month or so.

"So, Autumn, I hear you're taking German?" Stephanie said.

"French," I corrected her.

"Oh, sorry.  Well anyways, I took German so never mind."  She turned to look out the window.  Our table was near the wall.  Down the hallway some there was a single door leading out to the field.  Students could only go through that door before and after school, and sometimes in gym.  Luckily for me, I never had to take gym.  I wonder if those college people, when they look at all of my grades leading up to college, will notice that I have only had one year of school.  Maybe someone has already realized that.  Hopefully they won't kick me out and tell me to go to first grade to start from square one.

At that flippen moment, that door opened, three people entering.  They slipped past the lunch line and trooped down the hallway by the cafeteria.  They were all bearing forest green cloaks down to their feet, with hoods pulled over their heads.  Catching the eye of many students, they walked faster until they were out of sight.

"Did you see those people?" Kylie asked us.

"Yeah, who were they?" I wondered.

"Beats me," Stephanie said.

"Do you think they're from some company or something?" Kylie asked again.

"What would a company be doing here?" I turned to look at her.

Her orange hair was pulled into a ponytail on the left side of her head.  Her hair was curled into large ringlets that fell past her shoulders.  "Maybe they want to buy the school property or something like that.  I don't know, it was just a guess!"  She went back to her lunch, trying to forget the people.

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