Caught Up In Love and War (1)

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Chapter One

"Listen up idiots," the teacher instructed her class.  I leaned against the cold white wall outside her classroom, staring at the pale blue lockers lined up against the walls.  It was September, the twenty-first to be precise.  Fall had just begun.  The teacher in the classroom behind me continued.

"We're going to get a new student today so behave and be nice, got it?"  There was a group "Yes" and a little mumbling that neither the teacher nor I could make out.

"Get in here, Autumn," the teacher called my name.  I sighed, turning to my side to open the door and enter the nightmare that was my class.  I stood a foot inside, letting the door slowly close behind me.  I could feel the eyes of all of the students on me, but I was looking at my teacher.

"My name is Ms. Cole and I will be your math teacher this semester," she introduced herself.  "Now tell the class who you are."

I turned to face the class.  Everyone was quiet, a few people smirking in their own little corner of evil thoughts.  "My name is Autumn Rae," I told them, giving them a small smile.

"Excuse me," a student asked.  He had jet black hair and a muscular body and was leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head, much to the person behind him's dislike.  "But, how old are you and where are you from?"

"I'm seventeen and I don't think it's your business to know where I'm from."  His grin faded and he stared at me with his dark eyes.

"Lucky you Autumn," my teacher applauded me, actually clapping her hands.  "You got stuck with me in a class full of smart asses who aren't very smart at all."  I sighed.

Ms. Cole pointed out my seat in the back of the room between a scrawny girl and a tall guy.  I made my way over to it, ignoring the stares from my classmates.  I sat down, then looked forward at my teacher.  Now, I haven't quite decided how to act yet.  Should I act all cheerful and innocent, or should I be a loner?  Meh, I'll just act like me.

"Right, now on to our lesson," Ms. Cole started, turning to grab her math book and opening it up to a bookmarked page.

I looked to my right at the girl.  She had dirty blonde hair that reached her shoulders and dark green glasses with a black pattern on the rims.  She noticed me looking at her and threw me a nervous glance.  I looked away from her, thinking to myself instead of paying attention to my first lesson in this school.  I shouldn't- wouldn't tell anyone about my secret.  If they found out, not only would I be in danger but they might as well.

"Hey, new girl," the guy on my left whispered.  I looked at him, barely turning my head so I was still facing the front.

"Hm?" I asked.

"Just to let you know, Ms. Cole is an awesome teacher, so don't let her scare you."He winked.

"Really?  She seemed to hate everything," I was also whispering.

"Nah, she just wants your attention.  She never gives homework and her rare tests are real easy."

"Cool."  At least this would be easy.

"Lucas, could you tell me the answer to this problem?" Ms. Cole turned to ask the guy next to me.

"Huh?  Oh yeah, it's four!" Lucas sung.

"Yes, that is correct.  But, do you know what isn't correct?" She stared him down as he slouched in his seat.

"Um... bears flying around on surfboards?" He shrugged.

"No, close though!" She gave him a smile, then returned to her question.  "Talking while I'm talking isn't correct in my class." He nodded to show that he had understood.  "Now," she turned back to the rest of the class.  "Let me show you another example to this type of problem." She continued teaching and I decided to pay attention.

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