Chapter Ten

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When I woke up the next morning, I got dressed in a blue skirt with a silve tee shirt underneath it. I brushed my hair and skipped out into the social area. When I got there, Phil was sitting at the reception desk, chatting with the secretary. When he saw me, he finished the conversation and walked over. "Good morning Lucy lion!" 

"Good morning Phil." I walked over to Marie and she followed me as I got my food. Phil grabbed some food too and sat down next to me and Byron at our table. "I heard you're leaving." Byron said when I sat down. "Yeah. Dr. Brett thinks I need a weekend at home." 

"That's good for you. I'm glad I didn't get a weekend at home. I'd rather kill myself. Which is why I'm here." 

When I finished my food Marie checked my plate and told me I was good. I threw everything away and said goodbye to Byron. "Do you need anything before we leave?" Phil asked. I grabbed my camera and lion, and we took the tube home. At one point a fan spotted us and asked how everything was going. We told her the news, and it surprised me how happy she was, just for the fact that I was able to spend time at home. When we got to the flat, everyone was eating breakfast that Zoe had made. I went to my room and put Paena on my bed, next to my camera. Phil decided that we should go out in London and I agreed. Zoe decided that she and I needed to go on a shopping spree, and Alfie offered to go with her. Zoe told him he wasn't allowed because he'd get bored. We decided that we'd meet by the lions at 11:45 for a picnic lunch Zoe had packed and we'd determine the rest of the day there. Riding the tube with so many YouTuber's would probably be a security issue, so we decided to take two cabs. Dan, Phil, Connor, and Tyler sat in one, and Troye, Alfie, Zoe, and I sat in the other. Zoe made me buy all of my clothes in a size bigger, as a goal. By the time lunch came, we already had 6 tote bags. We met at the lions and everyone vlogged for a bit, before we headed to the park for the picnic. Just like last time, I had no problem eating all of Zoe's food. She had already marked everything except for how much I ate on my chart, and Dan filled that bit out after I ate. Everyone was done shopping, so we decided to go back to the flat. Whilst at the flat, we all took turns making collabs. Dan and Phil did collabs with everyone, and so did I, and everyone was trading off people to be in videos. When we finally finished, we were all so tired, we ordered pizza and watched a movie on Netflix together. When it came time to sleep, Dan and Phil slept in Dan's bed, Zoe and Alfie slept in Phil's bed, Connor slept on the couch, Tyler slept on the fouton, and Troye slept on an air mattress in the office with Tyler. "You guys don't even need the air mattress." Connor teased. It felt so good to finally sleep in my bed. Dan came in and tucked me in and Phil kissed me good night. 

We spent the next day hanging out at the house. Louise decided to come over with Darcy. It was the first time I had met  her. Darcy and I got on really well. Louise, Zoe and I all hung out in my room for a while. Louise and Zoe determined that once I finished with the hospital, I'd have to come to Zoe's house for a week. When Monday came, everyone went to the hospital with me. We spent the day together, with Byron as well. When it was time to go to sleep, Zoe tucked me in, Dan and Phil kissed me goodnight, and Tyler and Troye sang me a lullaby. Before I knew it, I was drifting asleep to the two of them singing Happy Little Pill. 

Author's Note: Wow! I can't believe I'm already at Chapter Ten of this story! This chapter was nice and short for a change. Thanks to all my readers! Feel free to vote and leave comments if you want. I know this must be getting annoying but if you feel the need to committ suicide or starve yourself, talk to someone. Kisses to all, Lilian

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