Chapter Twelve

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I awoke the next day in an awful mood.   I didn't  know why, it was just one of those mornings.  I buried my head into my pillows and went back to sleep.  At nine, Phil came in to wake me up.  "Good morning  sunshine!" he cheerfully said as he drew back my curtains.  I groaned.  "Come on Lucy, we let you sleep long enough.  The hospital would have you up long before now."  I rolled over.  Phil took my blankets off of me and sat down on the edge of my bed.  "F*** off Phil I don't give a sh**"!" I said.

"Excuse me? Did I hear you correctly?"


"Well then I think you've broken a rule."


"Do you know what breaking a rule means Lucy?"


"I don't know where this attitude came from, but it would be a good idea to lose it at breakfast.  I'll spank you when you finish breakfast. "

I trudged into the kitchen where Dan already had a plate prepared for me.  Two pieces of toast and half of the cereal," he said handing me a glass of orange juice.  

I sat down and ate the required amount of food, not wanting to have to repeat the previous nights argument.  When I finished Dan took my plate and I offered to help him do the dishes.  We were just getting started when Phil walked in.  "Lucy, what did I tell you to do after breakfast?" 

"I don't know."

"Yes you do."

"Find you and tell you I was ready?" 

"Wait -- ready for what?  What's going on?"  Dan suddenly said.

"Lucy felt the need to curse this morning.  She was supposed to come find me after breakfast to get her spanking and then have her mouth washed out."  Phil replied.

"Lucy, did you lie to me?" Dan inquired.

"No.  I just wanted to help you do the dishes." I said, my voice squeaking at the end.

"Dan gave me a quick squeeze for good luck before realeasing me to Phil.  "Please Dan, I don't want to get spanked." I whispered. 

"Well I doubt Phil wants to spank you Lucy. Just get it over with." he held my shoulders as he did so, and when he finished speaking he turned me towards a flannel t-shirt  and mismatched socks who was patiently waiting in the doorway. I took the spanking without complaint, but when Phil tried to wash my mouth I lost it.  "Lucy, open your mouth please." 

I shook my head. "Lucy let's just do this the easy way.  Open your mouth."

I put my hands over my mouth and shook my head no.  After five minutes of patient requests from Phil, he was starting to lose his patience. "Lucille Clair Howell Lester. Open. Your. Mouth. Now." I shook my head once more.  

"I'm going to count to three. Must I get Dan?" I stared at him, hand still clamped over my mouth.  "One......Two....." Phil began counting.  Just as he was about to say three, Dan walked in.  "Are you still not done yet?" he asked naggingly.  Phil was on the brink of tears.  "She won't open her mouth. " he said clearly trying to keep the tears from flowing.  Dan pulled Phil outside and ordered me to stay inside the bathroom.  Dan gave Phil a hug and Phil melted in his arms.  Phil began to let the tears spill over and Dan kissed them away.  "Why don't you go make some tea, I'll take care of Lucy."  Phil nodded and walked away. When Dan walked back into the bathroom I had tears running down my face.  "Nobody's happy with this situation, are they?" he asked as he handed me a tissue.  "What's wrong  little lion? Tell me how you're feeling."  

"I'm sad I hurt Phil's feelings."

"Okay. How 'bout this:  we get your mouth washed out real quick and then you can go apologise to Phil." 


"Lucy this is going to happen whether you want it to or not."


"As I recall we adopted a teenager not a two year old.  Come on Lucy, this is getting stupid." 

I rolled my eyes at him and he grabbed my arm. "Lucille, do I need to remind you of what happens when you disobey?" 

I quickly shook my head.  "Do you want me to go get Phil now, or in a minute?" 

Seeing a way of escape I replied, "Now please."

I counted to three after Dan left and then ran towards my room. I accidenly slammed my door as I tried to quickly close it behind me.  I heard the door handle jiggle.  "Lucille, open the door please." 

"NO!" I called back to a Dan who seemed too calm right now.

"Lucille Clair Howell Lester do not make me get the key."

I silently buried myself in my covers and began sobbing.  A few seconds later I heard rummaging. After two minutes, someone unlocked my door. "GO AWAY DAN!" I shouted.  

"Not Dan." Phil replied as he entered the room.

"Lucy, will you come out from under the covers?"

I unveiled myself and Phil's face went empathetic instantly.  "Lucy, there have been way too many tears spilled over this.  Can we just get it done already?" 

"No." we sat in silence for a minute before I said, "I'm sorry for making you cry Phil." 

"Oh, little lion, it's okay. Give me a hug and we can go finish this alright."

I hugged Phil but refused to go to the bathroom.  Phil called Dan in and he grabbed my hand and dragged me with Phil.  When we got to the restroom, Phil grabbed a clean bar of soap and asked me to open my mouth.  I refused and Dan closed the door to the bathroom before sitting down in front of it.  He sat me in his lap and I tried to squirm out with no luck.  "Alright Lucy, so your options appear to be sitting on my lap for the rest of eternity or getting your mouth washed out."  I sighed and attempted one last time, unsuccessfully to squirm out of Dan's arms.  I opened my mouth for Phil and he put the bar of soap in it.  Three long minutes later he let me rinse and spit the suds out of my mouth.  "Was that really so hard?" Dan asked me and I shook my head.  I apologised to both Dan and Phil who gave me giant bearhugs.  

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