Chapter 18

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Hey guys sorry this took so long.  I was in the hospital for about a month without access to my phone or computer.  

"Lucy?  Is that you?" Ryder asked as Marie escorted me and Henry back to my old room.  Thankfully, I still had no roommate.  

"Ryder?  Where's Byron?  How are you?" I asked quickly. 

"Byron's with Dr. Kath.  I'm pretty good... Who's your friend?" 

"Oh this is my boyfriend Henry.  He's staying with me until Dan and Phil can make it."

"Hi Henry!  Byron's almost done with Kath so I'm going to go wait for him.... He's getting worse.  I heard Kath saying something about moving him to you know..." he said the end in a whisper.  My room was near Dr. Kath's office and as soon Byron walked out I could tell something was wrong.  His body seemed limp and he had tear stains all over his face.  Ryden gave him a hug and a kiss before walking into his session with Kath.  I jumped off the bed and ran towards him pulling him into a hug. Henry was at my side a few seconds later.  

"Don't tou -- OHMYGOSH Lucy!" 

"Hi Byron!" 

"It's good to see you again, I mean not here, but you know just reunite." 

"Yeah.  So I hear you're not doing to good?"

"Nah.  I'm not allowed to have any access to scissors anymore, I can only shave if a nurse is supervising, they even moved Ryden out of my room." 

"That sounds awful."

"Yeah.  I know Ryden wouldn't ever tell me this but I've heard Kath talk about putting me on full suicide prevention.  I'm getting an IV tomorrow probably." 

"Byron trust me when I say those are not fun."

"I know, I know.  You," He said a bit more positive suddenly, "must be Henry.  I've heard so much about you! Do you want to wait for Ryden with me? We all have so much to talk about." 

Henry and Byron talked for a bit, both gently prompting me into the conversation when I got completely lost.  I didn't understand how Byron could have deteriorated like this.  He was so full of life the last time I was here, in fact, he was the person who probably helped me the most.  I had to help Byron, there was no doubt about it.  Suddenly the door to Dr. Kath's office burst open and slam shut.  Ryden stomped out and held on to Byron as tight as he could.  

"Ry?  Ry what's happening?"  Ryden hushed Byron, still holding on to him for dear life. 

"Byron we're going to move you to a different area of the hospital to better suit your needs. " Dr. Kath said extending her hand for him to take. 

"You can't do this to him!" Ryden nearly screamed pulling Byron even closer than he had already been.

"Ryden, this is in his best interest.  You know I would never do anything to hurt anyone on purpose."

"Let him be.   You'll only make things worse.  At least give him a week... please.... " Ryden squeaked out.  Dr. Kath let out a frustrated sigh before agreeing to the offer.  "One week.  That's it.  And Lucy! Welcome back.  I hope your visit will be short lived."  Ryden and I both sent her looks that shut her up and led Byron back to his room.

Ryden settled Byron in about 15 minutes and we talked softly for a while.  Byron noticed my bandaged arm after a while and we talked about how I got into the mess in the first place.  A few minutes later Marie walked in and told us we had to go.  Ryden kissed Byron goodnight and Henry and I waved goodbye before we walked to our room.  Henry tucked me in my bed and kissed my forehead before retreating to his side of the room. 

At about three in the morning I had a horrid night terror.  I woke up crying with Henry already at my side.  "Lucy are you alright?!" I tried to tell him I was fine but no words came out.  Henry laid down next me and wrapped me into a hug.  I cried for a few more minutes  before I was able to talk.

"Lucy are you okay?" Henry asked once again once I had calmed down a bit. 

"Night... terrors," I choked out. He kissed my cheek and I laid my head on his chest.  His arm looped around my shoulder.  I fell asleep to the sound of his steady breathing. 

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