Chapter Six

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Nearly everyone was on spring break this week, but I wasn't. I was taking senior classes online, and Dan told me that I should do school during breaks so that I could graduate sooner. Once I had graduated I would take a creative writing class at a uni nearby and I wouldn't have to go to university ever again. Dan had his meeting with the teachers today and we were waiting for Zoe. When Zoe finally showed up, Dan briefed her on what was required of me this afternoon. "She needs to finish her classes before anything else. Her food chart is on the counter for you, along with the measuring chart. Remember to weigh her when she finishes eating and record it too. When she finishes her social studies homework she can do whatever. Thanks for watching her Zoe." They chatted for a while, then Dan and Phil left. Zoe followed me as I went to my room and sat down at my desk, login onto my school. "Well you best get started then," Zoe said with a glance at the days assignments. She left the room and went to make lunch. My food is a huge ordeal with me being anorexic now, making sure I have enough to eat, but not so much that I refuse to eat. Dan has only let me go out to eat without him or Phil once, with Louise, but that was only because they had instructed her to make sure I got a kids sized order and ate everything they gave me. I did so without problem, more for Louise's benefit. Phil was shocked when Louise told him I hadn't even put up a fight considering it was usually a battle. Plus, if I ate while I was around Louise, maybe I'd be allowed to hang out with her more. Zoe would have to measure and record everything she made. Usually it took an hour to and hour and a half for Dan or Phil to make me dinner. They had left Zoe with a few recipes of things I would eat along with the exact measurements needed. did school for two studies homework before I got bored. I decided to read until lunch time and then tell Zoe I was done and watch tv. Shortly after picking up the book, I wanted a snack. A normal person would have to wait until their lunch was ready to eat, especially since it would be done in 45 minutes, but Dan had told me that I was nearly always allowed to eat when I was hungry. I walked into the kitchen and measured 3/4 a cup of cereal for myself. After putting it into a bowl and grabbing a spoon, I took a pen and filled out my chart. I had grabbed my favorite cereal, so I knew all of the measurements off the box already. Zoe -- who was making grilled cheese and tomato soup on the stove -- turned around a noticed me writing on the chart. "Would you mind showing me how to do that?" she asked me. I took the recipe from her hands and showed her how to chart each thing. I also pointed out how much I was supposed to recieve and how much was supposed  to be kept in the extremely rare occurence I wanted more.  When I finished showing Zoe how to do the chart I walked back to my room and continued to read my book. When I heard footsteps nearing the door I put the book up and went to my desk. "Knock, knock!" Zoe said as she walked in and sat the tray she was holding  down on my desk. "Thank you" I said as Zoe left. I didn't normally eat as soon as the food got to me and was almost surprised by the warm feel of food against my toungue. Usually, when I ate food it was because I had to, but I could eat Zoe's food all day. I devoured the half sandwhich and cup of tomato soup, and even ate three bites of the second half of the sandwhich, which Zoe had offered when I brought my empty bowl and tray to the kitchen. When I was finally finished eating, Zoe came into my room and checked my weight. "48.12 kilos! My goodness!" She wrote down the numbers and looked up at me. "Eating is good okay. Don't ever starve yourself." I nodded and told Zoe I was done. She nodded and we went and watched  ANTM together until Dan and Phil came home.  Zoe told Dan of the events of that afternoon and Dan thanked and paid her. Zoe kept insisting that she didn't want any money, but Dan refused to let her leave without some, so he gave slipped a twenty dollar bill in her coat pocket as she left. Dan walked into the kitchen and laughed. "She even did the dishes. We should let her come her more often." He checked my food chart and gasped. "Come here Lucy." I walked over. I didn't think I had done anything wrong. I walked over and he engulfed me in a hug. "Lucy Lion you ate cereal and lunch, and then some!  You even gained half a kilogram!" I smiled and he grabbed Phil and pulled him over. "Look! Phil look how much she ate!" Phil smiled and gave me another hug. "Good job little lion!" I ate all of my dinner too. Phil went to bed at midnight, and Dan was pleased to see me join him as he got a midnight snack. I ate my cereal as I jotted down the measurements. "Keep eating this way and we'll get to be done with that stupid chart forever." I smiled at the thought of it. I only needed 3 kilograms until I was an okay weight to quit the chart. I was begining to think that my eating disorder was soon to be over. The next day however was not so happy. I had already eaten breakfast, a snack, and lunch by the time we got to my afternoon weighing. Most of the foods I ate that day were meant to be fattening, so I shouldn't have been surprised that I gained another half kilogram, but I was. "Two to go Alex," Dan said with a smile as he left the room. My next hospital visit was in two weeks, and both Dan and Phil wanted to be done with the chart by then. I smiled back at him and thought about the gain. My original plan was to lose weight not gain it. I sunk into my bed and sobbed. I sobbed for at least thirty minutes before Phil came in, maybe to ask a question. "Lucy? You alright?" I quickly gained control of myself. "Yeah. Just a really good book and you know, the character, just, kind of..." Phil nodded in understanding and left. Nice going Lucy, you almost got caught. A part of me wished that I was caught though. That I could cry into Dan's chest or cuddle with Phil, but I pushed that part away and went to take a shower. I cried in the shower until I felt hollow. I noticed my razor out of the corner of my eye. I'd heard of cutting before, but never thought that I'd be one to do it. Just one cut.  Just one. I cut myself about 16 centimeters above my wrist and winced at the pain. The relief felt worth it though. I cut myself  two more times before putting the razor down and watching the blood rinse off my wrist. Ohmigosh what if Dan or Phil were to see this? I guess I'd have to wear long sleeves. Well that sure wouldn't look suspicous in the middle of a warm spring day. Apparently it didn't because I got away with it all day. The next day, while eating breakfast Dan brought up my school "Lucy, how many hours do you have left until you're done this week.?" I instantly without thinking replied, "Um.. One from Monday, Two from yesterday, and Six for the rest of the week."

"But you finished your school from yesterday when Zoe was here, right?"

"What, n- I mean yeah I don't know what I was thinking... oops."

"Uh huh." Dan smiled and began walking to my room.

"Dan don't you dare go into my room!" I shouted.

"Why? Because you don't want me to see this?" he said as he held up my unfinished social studies packet. "Sit down, Lucy, let's have a discussion." Nervously, I took a seat on my bed and Dan sat next to me. "I have half a mind to call up Zoe and let her spank you, but I won't." I let out a sigh of relief. "However, you will be spanked by either Phil or me, so take your pick." I thought of what Phil's spanking would feel like compared to one of the two I've had from Dan and decided that I wanted Dan. "I pick you" I said. "Okay then. Go stand in the corner, I'll be back in a little while. Dan left, most likely to tell Phil about the incident and come back. After five minutes I sat in the corner and five minutes after that Dan coughed. I looked behind me to see Dan sitting on my bed, looking quite unamused. "Did I give you permission to sit?" he asked.

"No, but -"

"What did I tell you to do Lucy?"

"Stand in the corner but in all fairn-"

"And are you standing, Lucille?"


"Come here please" I stood up and walked to Dan who spanked me five times before pulling down my leggings and lying me across his lap. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK  You do not lie about something just because SMACK SMACK you don't want to do it SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK  at one point I accidentally pressed me wrist against him and shrieked in pain. "Shhh.... Ten more" SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK  "All done alright..... Calm your breathing Lucy"  he pulled me up gingerly and sat me on his lap. "You need to know that lying is unacceptable here and if this is the way you needed to learn that then I had to do it." I nodded and hugged him. "All is forgiven now." I hugged him a little bit tighter. When our hug was finished I finished my school and showed it to Dan. "Good job Lucy. I'm proud of you." I smiled like a small child being told their drawing was good and went back to my room. After an hour of tumblr I changed into a tank top and shorts for pajamas and went to bed. 

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