An Attempt Was Made.

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    * Blood Warning *

George groaned. 'That hurt.' he thought as he slowly raised himself up on his elbows. A sharp pain shot threw his head and his legs ached. At least he was able to jump off the broom before he crashed but who did he crash in to? Grabbing his head he slowly opened his eyes.

His vision was blurry but he could make out dark hair sprawled out over the grass. A girl holding her face. He could hear her crying as she was helped up by some yellow robed boy.

"Hooch did say calmly bro." George heard Fred laugh and say. He could see more clearly now, looking at his brother's hand. Fred lifted him up on his feet. Turning his head towards the crowd gathered around the girl he hit.

It was Farrah.

She stood silently wailing as she held her hands in front of her. Blood ran out of her mouth and nose. Her body shook with her shaky breaths. Madam Hooch crouched down to examine her. The other students crowded around.

Then a Gryffindor girl exclaimed, "Her tooth is missing!" They parted ways shocked talking to one another allowing George to get a good look. Sure enough, a hole was in the place where the tooth she'd been messing with all day was.

George stood baffled, he knocked her tooth out. Fred standing next to him was astonished. He gave George a slow pat on the shoulder. "You really did it this time Georgie."

George was too busy staring at Farrah for him to retaliate. He couldn't believe what had happened. Madam Hooch stood up with a hand on the bleeding girl's shoulder.

"Alright, settle down. I'm going to take Miss Everglow to the infirmary. I want you all to stay here and behave until I get back." Madam Hooch shot a pointed look towards George. "No more trouble Mr. Weasley. I'll deal with you later."

"I didn't-" George tried to defend himself but it was too late. Madam Hooch had already walked off bringing a crying Farrah with her. The students all turned to him. George huffed in defeat, Why did it have to be him?


Later in the evening after his classes, George snuck out. Trying to avoid teacher's and reach the infirmary without being caught. He didn't want another detention, he already had one for knocking her tooth out. Which Fred was joining him for since he set off firecrackers underneath Snape's feet in potions class.

George smiled remembering the look on the old goon's face. Taking a step into the hospital wing he heard voices and caught a glimpse of Madam Pomfrey. He ducked behind the medicine table near him to eavesdrop.

"Luckily her tooth was already loose so the boy didn't do too much damage there. However, a broken nose is never easy to heal on such a small girl" Madam Pomfrey said matter a factly to the figure standing next to her.

A broken nose? Had he broken her nose when he crashed into her? George shuffled closer trying to hear them better.

"Which is why I called for you. I was hoping to get a potion to help ease the pain after i fixed her nose back in place." Madam Pomfrey explained as they walked closer and closer to the doorway where George was hiding.

"I see." A deep nasally voice responded. Only one person sounded that stuck up around here. George saw the bottom of Snape's robes sweep in front of him. They stood standing there in the door way just off.

George held his breathe as he saw them so close he tried to back up but he hit the medicine cabinet behind him causing a jar of cotton swabs to crash on the ground. Both adults whipped their heads to the sound catching the ginger boy looking very guilty.

George gave a sheepish smile standing up straight. "I just wanted to-" He tried to explain himself but was cut off.

"Mr. Weasley." Snape strode forward. "You've caused enough trouble for one day haven't you?" He said menacingly as he came closer.

George backed farther in the corner. "Really! I just wanted to apolo-" He was cut off again as Snape grabbed his arm pulling him towards the door. George looked quickly towards where Farrah was probably laying.

But his vision was cut off as Madam Pomfrey closed the infirmary doors with a frustrated look. George tried fighting off Snape's hold but it was useless. Snape's grip just got harder and tighter as he dragged him towards Prof. McGonagall's office.


The curtain opened as Madam Pomfrey stepped in with some kind of potion. Farrah sat up back propped up with a pillow. Her face was cleaned of all the blood from earlier and a cotton ball was bandages to stay under her broken nose.

"What was all that yelling?" Farrah asked concerned as she looked up at Madam Pomfrey. She really couldn't tell what they were saying, all she knew was it wasn't good.

Madam Pomfrey gave her a sweet smile and handed her the glass. "Nothing to worry about dear. Just drink up." She fixed up her blankets and stood waiting for Farrah drink the liquid. Farrah gave her an unsure glance but did as she said.

The drink gave Farrah a weird shiver and went down like cold water although it tasted very bitter. She scrunched up her nose and handed the glass to Madam Pomfrey. Farrah laid back down as the Doctor left and let her mind wander. What was that about?

A Happy Alternative // George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now