New Friends

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               -  Third Person -

         "HUFFLEPUFF!" The sorting hat yelled over the chatting students. Farrah jumped up from the stool. The Hufflepuff table went crazy inviting her over. She skipped over sitting down next to a small boy who had been sorted before her. He had a big goofy grin on his face showing off braces. The cheers simmered down as the next new student came up to the sorting hat.

"Hi! My names Farrah, Farrah Everglow! What's yours?" She introduced herself. The boy's grin grew wider and he brushed his light brown fluffy hair out of the way. "Cedric Diggory! This place is absolutely crazy isn't it?" The boy who she now knew as Cedric looked up at the ceiling which had been bewitched with floating candles and a dark night sky.

Farrah looked all around at the tables and her eyes landed on the Gryffindors, more specifically, on the two red headed Weasley twins who were being greeted by their brothers. 'Thank goodness I won't have to share a house with them!' She thought to herself. Farrah wanted to stay as far away from the twins as she could after today's incident on the train.

"Looking for someone?" Cedric questioned from behind her, looking in the direction she was. "Are they your friends?" He look at her curiously. Farrah was baffled. Friends?? After what happened this morning? Friends was definitely not on the list for words she would've used.

The dark haired girl brushed one of her curls out of her face with a huff. " More like keeping an eye out for them." Farrah rolled her eyes." They launched a rocket straight into my compartment this morning! Almost knocked the poor soul out of Robert." She frowned at the table picking at the wood. Cedric furrowed his eyebrows and gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Who's Robert?" Cedric gave Farrah a concerned stare leaning in. The toad poked his head out of her robe pocket where he had been napping and jumped onto the table. Cedric's jumped back as the toad jumped up onto his shoulder. Farrah giggled as they began to play with the frog hearing another cheer from the Gryffindor table.


          "So that's her?" The gryffindor boy Fred and George had just met turned to look at the Hufflepuff table where Farrah and some boy with braces sat digging into their food. "She doesn't seem too concerned about it now." He looked back at them with a questionable look. The sound of forks clattering on plates in the background.

         Fred leaned forward. "I'm telling you Lee, she went absolutely mental! Just about hexed our socks off!" He gestured to George dramatically. "Now Georgie here wants to apologize." He leaned back putting his chicken leg in his mouth.

         "I just want to make it up to her! You should have seen her books, pages scattered just about everywhere I tell you." He leaned on his elbows resting his head in his hands. Lee scooped a huge glob of mashed potatoes onto his plate. "Can't you just move on? She's in a different house, not like you're gonna see much of her anyway." Lee said taking a bite.

       Fred nodded still munching on his chicken leg. George sighed, maybe he should just forget about it. He looked back to Farrah who was laughing with her new friends. She seemed to have forgotten all about it, which George guessed was a good thing. What if she hadn't forgotten though? And she held a grudge forever!? He hated the thought of making someone hate her on the first day. What if their parents found out what they'd done?? The plan just had to work.

        Lee and Fred seemed to notice George's change in mood. Lee spoke first "So, let's say she is still mad at you and you do have to make it up to her. What's the plan?" The boys all sat and looked at each-other until Dumbledore stood up and told all of the students to go rest in their common rooms.

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