The Incident

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Farrah sat down in the empty booth, setting Robert beside her. He croaked looking up at her. "I can't believe I'm actually here Robbie!! Wonder who all we'll meet this year?? Who are my teachers going to be!?" She turned sitting crisscross applesauce with her hands in her lap as she exclaimed out loud. Soon outside, she heard a crackle and a low hiss.

Curious, she stood up going over to the door and peaked out her window. She saw a pink sparkle flying around and then POP! It exploded! Pinks, purples, and blues fell like dust as the fireworks popped. Absolutely dazzled Farrah opened her compartment door to see where it had come from. She looked to her right to see two girls running down the hallway, their Hogwarts robes flew behind them as they looked back.

"FIRE AWAY" She heard a boy yell and before she knew it what looked like hundreds of those tiny fireworks were coming straight towards her. Wizzing crazily, circling eachother, and hitting lanterns. She quickly stepped back trying to close the door but it was too late.

She ducked down, sparkling firecrackers whirled above her head into her compartment. Colors burst and popping noises followed, she could hardly see anything behind the brightly colored powder exploding. Paper from her books flew everywhere as more fireworks burst into her things. She looked up just in time to see four rockets crash right into Robert's glass case. "Robert!" She yelled as she launched herself, trying to catch her toad as bits of glass flew out everywhere. She grabbed Robert and huddled down protecting her face from the glass shards.

Soon the crackling stopped and Farrah looked up. Her compartment was ruined. The seats were covered in pink and blue powder. Even worse her leather bound diary was wrecked, its pages scattered everywhere and the leather was torn. She heard a ribbit from Robert in her hands which made her look down.

"Oh my goodness Robbie!" Farrah cried out when she finally saw her toad. His bowtie was shredded and on his right side was a large burn mark. Black soot splattered around where the firework had hit. She felt like she could cry, what happened? What was all that? She heard laughter from outside her door and when she looked up she got her answer.

   The Weasley Twins.

     They stood in the doorway, hair frazzled and all over the place. Grins spread wide on their freckled faces chuckling to themselves until they looked inside at the poor girl. Farrah's dark brown curls were frizzy and poofed up all over her head holding her little toad in her hands. They glanced at the room seeing the mess they had made of it. Their smiles fell as they started feeling guilty after seeing the tears in the girls eyes.

Tears were quickly replaced with rage as she held her toad close. "You!? This is all your fault isn't it?? How dare you hurt my Robert! Look at this mess, look at my things!!" She looked around the room at the mess and sniffled, eyebrows furrowed. "Look at what you did to my toad!" She stretched out her hands to the boys so they could see the mark on it's side burning.

They sheepishly looked to the ground, George rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry! We didn't mean to hit your frog, just having a little fun is all!"

"Yeah lighten up, it was an accident is all." Fred chimed in beside his brother. George mentally face palmed.

"Lighten up?? Lighten up?! You almost killed my toad!" Farrah exclaimed putting Robert on her shoulder and then putting her hands on her hips. "-and Robert is a not a frog." She stomped her foot on the ground huffing.

    "We really are sorry!" George stepped forward picking up her journal and handing it to her.

   "Yeah! Definitely, we're super sorry." Fred threw in from the doorway. He glanced down the hall and piped up quickly. "Hey! The Sweet trolley! Come on George!" Fred tapped his brother on the shoulder causing him to look down the hall.

      George turned his head back to Farrah but she had already crouched down picking up her things sadly. "Maybe I could get you a sweet to make up for it?" George asked trying to patch things. Farrah only sniffed, she didn't want a sweet. She wanted her stuff back. " I think I'm alright thank you. I won't have time to eat any sweets. I have to tend to my toad."  She said sorrowfully.

      "Come on George, we don't have all day!" Fred shouted from farther in the hall having already left for the trolley. George looked around and back out the door sighing. He shot another sorry glance at the girl before running out to be with his brother.

      'Boys suck.' Farrah thought as she gathered all the pages of her diary. Those twins would've regretted ever hurting her toad if she had any spells. 'They'd been hexed immediately!' she thought confidently. Robert jumped down from her shoulder onto her hand and looked up. Farrah sighed, this was definitely a horrible start to her "best year ever" at Hogwarts.

A Happy Alternative // George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now