Flying Practice

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   - Third Person -

The Training Ground was prepped and ready for the new students to be taught. Brooms laid across the ground under the students feet. Kids in both red and yellow robes shuffled nervously as they waited for their flying instructor to arrive.

         Farrah looked at her broom nervously, she'd never flown before. Being up so high and with nothing to catch you if you fall. One word came to mind: Scary. She brought her hand to her mouth fiddling with her new loose baby tooth. A habit she wasn't very fond of but it soothed her. Kept her mind off the nerves. "You keep wiggling that it'll fall out you know?" Cedric leaned over to talk to her.

       "Isn't that a good thing?" Farrah brought her hands in front of her fiddling with her fingers after being caught.

      Cedric shrugged, pulling his robes tighter around him as the wind rushed by. "Depends if you want to be sent to Madam Pomfrey on the first day."

Farrah shivered, she did not like the sound of that. Although, subconsciously, her hand went back to the tooth. Taking a look around, she glanced at the Gryffindor students in front of her. Her eyes locked on to George's who looked at her. She scowled. He ducked his head sheepishly and looked away.


      "Did you see that?" George whispered to his brother glancing back at Farrah who looked to be chewing on her nails while she bounced on the balls of her feel, face still furrowed.

      "See what?" Fred played with his broom which he had already picked up, tossing it from hand to hand. A confused brow raised.

      George rolled his eyes. "The way she looked at me! It's like daggers Fred." He crossed his arms hugging himself. "I just don't understand why she's still mad at us." He looked back at Farrah concerned.

     "Maybe it's cause you keep staring at her dimwit." Fred said hitting his brother on the back the head. George grabbed his head as he reached back and smacked his brother on the arm.

      Fred lunged at him but Lee grabbed his shoulder from behind. "Or maybe it's cause you bout killed 'er yesterday." Lee says as he holds on to Fred.

      Fred jerked Lee's hand off of his shoulder sending a sharp glare his way, brushing off his robes.  "Maybe she should've been paying attention." he huffed. George was about to argue but then a loud voice shouted over the children.

      "Good evening students! Sorry for the delay, had to take a Miss Johnson to the hospital wing after class. Poor girl took a nasty fall off of her broom." She tutted as she marched towards the group. "Now, if we all listen carefully and fly safely, none of us should end up like young Miss Johnson." Madam Hooch chuckled to herself with a tight smile.

     The children all glanced around at each-other unsure. George shot his eyes to Farrah who looked ever more nervous than before. She danced on her toes and practically had her whole hand in her mouth as she chewed on her nails. Worry written all over her face. George felt sorry, he himself didn't have much experience flying other than the time he and Fred stole Charlie's broom.

       George shivered at the memory, as it ended with them smashing right into the kitchen door while his mum screamed. He reached his hand up to his nose, it was still crooked. Broken bones were the worst. He kept his gaze towards Farrah as Madam Hooch gave her speech. 'Wonder if she's ever broken a bone.' he thought to himself looking over her tanned face.

      He took note of her dark brown eyes, the slight hook in her nose, the mole on her left cheek, and how she had her curly hair in a ponytail instead of down like she normally did. 'No, surely not.' He shook his head and tried to pay more attention to the class.

     "Alright now, with a firm calm voice, put your hand over your broom and say up!" As Madam Hooch ordered her broom shot up to her hand, she smiled reassuringly towards the group. "Come on now. Don't be shy."

     George heard a broom snap up after the Hufflepuff boy next to Farrah said "Up!". Farrah clapped and congratulated the boy, giving him a pat on the back. 'Cedric' he heard her call the boy. George rolled his eyes. He could do that too.

     Putting his hand over the broom George spoke "Up."... Nothing happened.

He shuffled in his spot. "Up!"

     The broom just flopped over in its spot. George looked up at Farrah who had her broom in her hand smiling at Cedric. He huffed looking back at his broom and with the loudest voice he could muster.


      Nothing. The broom was still. Until all of a sudden it zoomed up into his hand bringing him off the ground with it. He gripped the wood tightly panicked as he felt his feet go off the ground. Fred, Lee, and Madam Hooch all tried to grab him before he lifted  off but it was too late. He flew off, hanging on to his broom with one hand.

     His legs swung as the broom brought him higher. He could hear the other students gasping and panicking beneath him. George looked up, he had to do something. He took his free hand and grabbed the broom, trying to lift himself up. Madam Hooch was shouting at him about something but he couldn't understand her.

    Bringing himself up with a huff he swung his legs over. As he sat down the broom nose dived towards the ground as his weight leaned it forward. He tried to drive it whichever way but he didn't know how! This was Charlie's broom all over again. The children screamed and scattered away as he came down towards them except for one. Who was frozen in place as a flying boy barreled towards her.

   Oh merlin....  why'd it have to be her.


Hey everybody!! Sorry its been so long! I've gotten so busy with holidays and things but i'm excited to get back to writing this story! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and look forward to all of the chapters to come

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