Pranks Fix Everything

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        George heart raced as he hid behind the doorframe, Fred right beside him. This was it, this time they were gonna get them. Fred bounced the Dungbomb in his hand waiting for his cue.

       Peaking his head out he saw her, that stupid curly haired girl and her friends. Walking towards them. The twins had attempted this many times. According to Fred this was the only way to cure George's sickness.

      George couldn't stand to be around her. She made his head go blank and his heart beat fast. He couldn't think logically whenever she was there. Fred  only had one logical explanation. Farrah cursed George.


    "It's as easy as this Georgie. Give her one good shock with one of these bad boys-" Fred tossed the dungbomb to George, "And it'll jump her so bad she'll lose focus on whatever spell she's got on you. Simple as that." Fred leaned back in his chair with a smug grin, acting like he had already solved all of George's problems.

     Lee leaned forward onto the table. "I hate to burst your bubble mate but I dont think that's how that works." Lee said with a concerned glance towards both of the twins.

     Fred leaned forward, quickly got up, and walked over to George on the other side of the table. "Of course it is! How else would we do it?" Fred grabbed George's shoulder with a reassuring smile. "Come on, trust me. We'll sort this out faster than you can day hippocampus."


    So here George was, trusting Fred. Attempting to prank Farrah for the fifth time this year. George was unsure this was a good idea but hey, couldn't hurt right?

     Their pranks had always been spoiled. Either by some unexpected visitor like their brother Percy who always ruined their fun or their pranks backfiring on them. This time though? This time they had it for sure.

    Looking down at the marauder's map, he made sure no one was coming. Then cautiously as the girl walked in-front of the door, he raised two fingers and signaled his brother. Fred jumped into action throwing the bomb right under Farrah's feet and closing the door quickly so they wouldn't be sprayed.

   Shrieks from Farrah and her friends could be heard from the other side of the door. The boys silently celebrated with a quick high five and then sprinted off. However, unknowingly to them. The door had swung open.

    Farrah tried to hold her breathe and looked on through the doorway to see their red hair and soot covered robes flying behind them as they escaped the crime scene. The Weasley twins. Her eyebrows furrowed. Not this again.

River coughed and waved her hand in front of her face, "What in Merlin's beard!" she squinted her eyes looking down at the Dungbomb.

"That's absolutely wretched." Cedric said with disgust. His nose scrunched up and eyebrows furrowed. His mouth snarled up showing his braces. "What in the world is that?"

Farrah finally let go of her breath. "A gift from the Weasley twins it seems." She turned to face the bomb on the floor as she tried not to breathe in the nasty fumes.

"Are they still after you?" River said puzzled, she and Farrah had never understood why the twins stayed so persistent.

    "Seems like it." Farrah looked around the floor kicking the little ball that had run out of gas. 'What could make them stop?' Farrah's head jerked up with a smirk on her face. "How do you two feel about giving Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum a taste of their own medicine?"


Sorry about the wait!! I am incredibly busy with dress rehearsals rn so the updates are going to be slow until all that calms down. I hope you enjoyed and are looking forward to future chapters. I know I am!

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