Life with the hunters

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Percy's POV
I have been living with the hunters for a few months now and I can say its really hard living with them they are always pranking me and stuff like that I was currently washing the hunters clothes and was near a creek when I heard the sound of hoof beats an I looked up and I saw a pack of wolves chasing a herd of deer so the deer were running like there was no tomorrow I saw they were heading towards me so I started running like I was a cheetah that was on fire
Artemis POV
I was going to where Percy was washing our clothes and saw him being chased by a herd of deer being chased by a pack of wolves somewhere in the bushes I saw the hunters laughing their heads off and Percy was nearing a cliff I started running after him and then he jumped off the cliff the deer and wolves had left I heard the hunters coming up behind me crying why were they crying they didn't like Percy Alot but deep down I guess they truly cared for him I yelled his name before he was to far to hear me scream I knew he couldn't change into an animal fast enough to fly back so all hope was lost then I turned towards the hunters and screeched "why...why would you do that to him he never did anything to make you upset or make you force himself to jump off a cliff" the hunters were crying really hard at the mention of their actions this time we will get a Guardian who wasn't as nice or caring or compassionate towards you we will have a Guardian who will treat you badly and try to hit on you or do nothing against any monsters who are fighting you"
Percy's POV
The deer's we're on my heels I could feel ones breath on my neck I saw a cliff and I did the only thing I could do I jumped I heard Artemis yell my name on my way down and I smiled at her just saying my name but then thought I won't be able to see her again then I saw a pond and grinned like a mad man and I started aiming towards it
Artemis POV
We heard a twig snap and Percy was right behind the hunters they all started to move towards percy and say they were sorry but Percy just silenced them with a hand and said "I'm done what have I ever done to you to make hate me or make you try to kill..." then the girls started again with "I'm sorry" "we will try not to kill you and won't prank you" but was again silenced by Percy again by him yelling "SHUT UP!" "JUST STOP IM DONE YOU CAN FIND A NEW GUARDIAN I QUIT" then percy flashed out
I do not own PJO or AC (assassins creed ) just used some items from it

Gaurdian of the hunt (a pertemis storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя