All is forgiven

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I flashed into my tent wich had chaos's symbol on the sides I then grabbed my vamberances my bomb holder my arrow quiver my bow my three swords my cloak and my armor I still can't belive that chaos looked like she did
Chaos has galaxies for eyes
A dress that holds all the universes
On it and had pitch black skin wich was covered with stars
Le end of A/N
It's just really hard to belive that she chose me to be her heir and gave me powers I then decided I would pay a visit to Hephaestus with those blue prints that chaos gave me I made my tent dissapear and then flashed to Hephaestus palace actually it wasn't really a palace it was a mix between a factory and a forge mixed together if the Hephaestus kids ever came in here they would be squealing with joy at all the power tools and "toys" to play with I nicked on his door and Hephaestus answered it and then saw who it was and gave me a bone crushing hug and asked "what can I do for you percy" I answered "I need you to build some things for me that are going to be added onto my vamberances" I said he took the blueprints and his eyes widened in excitement and said "where did you get these" I simply shrugged and said "chaos"
He took my vamberances and said "I'm gonna need these for at least two hours I'll call you and you can come and get them" "ok" I said
******time lapse two hours*******
"OK percy here you go" "thanks Hephaestus you're awesome" I replied "no problem press the buttons on the vamberance and watch what happens" I pressed the button and then a hook popped out these will be great for hooking onto
Ropes and sliding across them I pressed the button again and a hidden gun popped out "it has a mix of celestial bronze and imperial gold bullets" I pressed the button and this time my gloved hands had claws on them these will be perfect for climbing and scaling trees and buildings "Hephaestus this is awesome I don't know how I can thank you" I said "Percy it's alright you don't need to do anything for me" "thank you Hephaestus " I gave him a man hug and he returned it and then I flashed out back to Yellowstone and I saw an army of monsters and then I saw two girls who were tied up one was 8 years old who was untouched and then there was a 15 year old who was near death I could sense it then I saw my buddy the Minotaur towering over the 8 year old and he grabbed her then I pressed the button on my vamberance and the gun popped out and I yelled "hey beef head its good to see you how are you" he stopped then he moved his hand away from the little girl and then chargede and I shot him inbetween the eyes he then dissapeared into a shower of gold dust and then the rest of the monsters charged me and then I brought out my twin swords oblivion and unity I cut through the monsters like a knife through warm cheese I cut the last dracene down and looked towards the little girl who was shaking in fear I took my hood off and I said "what's wrong" she stared into my eyes and said nothing its just I don't like most men but you seem nicer than most men and you have pretty eye's" she said I smiled at that suddenly a black portal appeared in front of me and chaos stepped out "hello lady chaos" "hello percy who's the little one" I don't know actually what's your name" "my names Talia" she said "lady chaos could you make a funeral pyre for who Is this Talia" "her names katie" "can you make a funeral pyre for Katie here she is Important to Talia" "sure percy" chaos said "and also can you give her an outfit like mine" "sure" in a flash Talia was wearing an outfit like mine she had a bow that when you pull back the string an arrow appears like my bow I lit the funeral pyre with my hand and said a blessing over Katie's body Talia was silently sobbing into my shirt

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