I give up A/N

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All right people, I'm fucking done with this bullshit. There are a few people out there who think I've copied off someone else and all that crap. So I'm officially done with this book. I know there are some people out there who enjoy the book I've written. I've put my heart and soul into this fucking book and mostly I read through the comments sections to see what you guys think of it. But I've read too many fucking comments that are hateful, rude, and downright nasty. People think I ripped someone else off but I didn't, I'm sorry you fucking hate my book you jerks. To the people who actually enjoy this book......thank you. I wrote this in a time where I wasn't feeling all that well, I had terrible thoughts going through my head, but no one really cares about what the writer feels it's plain proof after reading these mean, hateful, comments. So I'm done with this book, it's over. I hope all of you who wrote the infuriating comments feel good about yourselves. Because I'm giving up on this book and I'm not starting it back up ever again. Thank you to all the nice people who had good things to say about this story, your comments made my day because I knew someone out there enjoyed what I was doing. I'm very sorry to end the book in this manner and to leave you all with the unsatisfactory feeling of never knowing what will happen in the future. I'm sorry, I truly am and I hope you can forgive me for ending it like this. Thank you and good bye my fellow fans. I hope you can find better work than mine out there.

                         Sincerely, JakeEnglish7

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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