I Wake up on Ogygia

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A\N hello everyone it's me back with another update sorry I haven't been dating like I promised but I've been having a lot of problems with school and stuff and I've not been my usual self and I haven't had the time and energy to update this but for you guys out there who supported me with all your likes and comments I am updating this really long chapter and I will continue to update I promise this time.
Percy POV

Before the door opened a strange mist rolled in, I suddenly went on defense mode.The mist was so thick though that I couldn't really point my swords in any direction without hitting artemis so I kept my swords sheathed. I hear a voice from all around "So this is Perseus Jackson the famed "Hero of Olympus", destryorer of Kronos and the other titans,Typhoon,The Giants, Etc. " I retort with "Who are you, show your self you coward" The voice chortles at my threat, "Is that all you have to say.....My, my, I don't see what all the fuss is about, honestly you are about as dangerous as a marshmallow". "call me what you may but If you so much as touch a hair on Artemis's head I will pulverize you until there is nothing left of you." I say threateningly. "Now, now there is no need for that I am not here for the goddess, I'm here for you Perseus Jackson." Artemis soon gives a yelp of surprise I spin around to face her, the fog has cleared only slightly but I can clearly see Artemis has a celestial bronze sword being held to her throat. A look of disgust is etched onto her face, " So little hero what will you do now that your beloved is being held hostage?...Will you come with me quietly and peacefully, or must I hurt this beautiful young goddess here?" I tighten my jaw, I prepare to utter the words I don't want to eeeesay, but must if I want to save Artemis. I let out a sigh and drop my swords, "Alright I'll go with you just......Just, l-let Artemis go."Artemis looked heartbroken after two years of being apart she was losing me again, I  know exactly  how she feels I had been with out her for two years also she was the only thing I thought about, day and night my e Es was  "I'll get back to Artemis soon and I'll hold her close and never let her go." Now I was losing her all over again and she was losing me all over again and it was......it was.....I cant even describe how much it  hurts. But if I wanted to save her I had to do this, I gave her a look that said "I love you." I turned to the whatever's this thing was and suddenly the world folded in on its self.

I wake up on Ogygia to the sound of singing, I get out of bed and follow the sound of calypso singing. I eventually find her and tap her shoulder and give her my trademark smile, she looks as beautiful as the day we got married those 5 years ago when I blew up Hephaestus's workshop. When calypso told me about her curse I realized, I had fallen in love with her for the time that I had been here and I decided to stay with her. Now  here I was married to the most beautiful girl in the world. Im pulled from my thoughts when I hear an exceptionally loud "Percy!!" I look down at calypso I realize she has a worried expression on her face " Percy are you ok I've been calling you're name for the past 3 minutes" I kneel down to her level and say " I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to be worried about me I'm fine I was just thinking" I then give her a kiss on the cheek and she giggles and hugs me. Calypso asks me what I was thinking about and I reply with " I was thinking about how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to be married to you" Calypso looks away blushing furiously, she then tells me that it's time for breakfast and that we should go eat. She grabs my hand we walk towards the beach where breakfast is laid out on the table. We finish eating and calypso asks for my help planting various plants and flowers I agree and help her with the work, pretty soon it night time and we have already finished all the work. Calypso ask me to come with her. I  follow her and she tells me to close my eyes, I do and she leads me somewhere she then tells me "ok you can open your eyes" I open my eyes to see a dinner table laden with various types of food and desert's. I turn to calypso with a questioning look on my face, calypso at first smiling now has an expression resembling annoyance she says to me "Perseus Jackson did you forget today is our 5th anniversary!?" I give her my trouble maker smile and reply with a kiss and the words "of course not Calypso I could never forget the day I got married to a goddess." Calypso blushed a shade of Crimson that was sure to put a a cherry to shame, she mumbled something under her breath and I asked "I'm sorry what was that?" Calypso was blushing so hard I was sure steam was going to come out of her ears if that was even possible. Calypso said "I'm not as good looking as you." This time it was my turn to blush, I led Calypso to her chair sat her down. Dinner went well and we had a nice time we talked about the latest tv shows on Hephaestus tv, but I couldn't help but get the feeling that we were being watched, calypso seemed to notice and asked "Percy? What's wrong?" I tell her it's nothing I'm probably imagining things, soon after he we go to bed and the day ends. I wake up in our bed breathing hard and trying to remember what I was dreaming about.
*Percy's dream no ones POV*
It's pitch black.....dark, but not as dark as Tartarus.....Percy shudders, he never wants to go back there. he hears something but he can't put his finger on it, when suddenly it clicks...it's crying.....it's quite but it's there like.....death. Percy moves closer to the source of the noise he is looking around (more like stumbling around), when eventually he finds the source of the crying, it's....it's a girl a very beautiful one at that, she seems to be around 18. He gets the feeling like he's seen her before but he can quite put his finger on it because he can't see her face. Percy taps her shoulder and asks what's wrong, she looks at him those silver eyes staring into his soul. A look of realization crosses her face she bounds to her feet and tackles him in a hug, she just repeats his name multiple times, he gives her a look of confusion. She pulls away and when she see's his face she becomes saddened and her shoulders slump, she asks if he even knows who she is, he shakes his head and apologizes her lip trembles and she cries again, after she's no longer crying he ask's what's her name. And the girl looks sad she replies Artemis. Before anything else can happen the ground rumbles and Artemis looks at Percy and tells him to find her and get back to her she kisses him and the dream disappear .
*dream over*
I wake up in our bed breathing hard I try to recall what I dreamed about Images flash before my eyes and one stands out a girl with beautiful eyes named Artemis I remember her kissing me, I don't know why but it felt right just the way it felt it wasn't a rough kiss just a sweet soft one one full of love, calypso stirred beside me and looked up at me with worry evident in her eyes. "What's wrong Percy?" I quickly change my facial expression from a deep thinking one to that of a caring one and I lay back down and whisper to calypso "Nothing's wrong unless you count that I never kissed you good morning " calypso blushes but kisses me and whispers "good morning Percy"

Ok so there is some Percy x calypso in this chapter I'm sorry but I really like her as a character and I ship more than one person with Percy it's hard not, to but anyways here is the long awaited update I promised, I apologize it took so long and those of you who have supported me in the comments section below I'm eternally grateful to you all and I will update soon I promise this time for real. Have a good day or night or whatever it is for you guys jakeenglish7 signing out

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