The Death of a Hero

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 Artemis's POV

being stuck on Chaos Planet was great, if you were a citizen I mean everybody kept staring at me like I was some kind of monster. I did meet Percy's mother though and she seemed nice and I'm not just saying that because she was the ex-creator of the universe. I really meant it though she did have some embaressing stories of Percy which were pretty funny but she couldn't stop the people from staring at me. many of the guys kept looking at me and some even tried even hitting on me which ended with my knee in their crotches and I just didn't like being stared at all the time so i had Percy's mom try and help me find a way to get me back to earth.

Percy's POV

the war was starting and as the horns were blown signaling we were under attack i couldn't stop feeling guilty for making arty stay on chaos planet but i knew she was going to have to be safe i don't know what i would do if she died i would probably ask for death again since i had to lose the love of my life but i won't let that happen the monsters started out in small numbers but the army soon started growing till it was the size of ten SuperBowl stadiums 

A/N I've decided to cancel zeus's power of being able to turn into anyone and any animal but he can summon lightning instead oh and he was never bitten by the spirit wolf so ill fixit later ok le end of A/N

even Tartarus decided to come join in the fight he smiled at the sight but he had an evil glint in his eyes i knew immediately that i was going to die i heard Chiron say "archers ready arrows....FIRE!" as soon as the archers fired i charged the monsters and my swords would suck up the gold dust they left behind and when the swords would drink in the essence of the monsters the blows of the swords would destroy more powerful monsters with less blows but my fighting was not enough so i then yelled "demigods attack and may the gods be with you" all the demigods charged and with that i put protection spells around everyone after that i charged Tartarus head on which you could say was stupid but i did it to protect Artemis as i got close to him he laughed and said "that wasn't very smart little hero" he then snapped his fingers and four titans were standing in front of me and they were Kronos, Hyperion,Koios, and Krios i hadd faced all of them except for Kronos and it might not have been that hard had i not been injured by Koios who had stabbed me in my side and I was bleding badly so with my might i had finally gotten inside of Kronos's gaurd and sliced his head cleanly of now i couldn't take on Tartarus without help i had to give my life to end the war so I did the one move my mother told never to use unless i was about to die it was called A Heros Sacrafice i focused all my energy into destroying tartarus and the rest of the monster's with my powers. the move when succesfully pulled off it made your enemy see their worst fear destroying them in their head and its so terrible it literally stops their heart and kills them for monsters it would turn them into dust and then destroy the dust i finally pulled it off and then when i saw every monster and Tartarus die my world went black

Artemis's POV

i was suddenly transported back to earth and i saw everyone gathered around a dead body i didn't see percy so i automatically panicked i got closer and i saw pecy's dead body on the ground i got closer to his body then broke down crying and hugged his body i kissed his cold lips and said "please percy don't die on me this wasn't supposed to happen"and everybody had their heads bowed in sorrow and out of respect for him we later had a burial for percy they had his body wrapped in a sea green shroud then they put another one on it was silver with a moon on it in nice writing it said " percy jackson son of Posieden and Gaurdian of the hunt and Artemis and Lover of artemis" they had me light it on fire and i cried while i did


that took me a while to come up with anyways sorry for no update in a while i've been busy lately and on saturday i went to a bapptism party and just yesterday i went to my stepdads house who is a pin in the butt sometimes but he's still a nice guy and he just wants us (me and my lil bro) to do good later in life but anyways sorry got off track talking about that so here ya go my blue cookies and update like i promised and i ant to dedicate this chapter to @evilgirl1324who is a freind of mines who read this book cus i asked her to so thanks again and goodnight

Gaurdian of the hunt (a pertemis storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora