Percy the lost one

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Percy's POV
I was walking with Talia next to me we were nearing the hunters camp
When suddenly I was stopped by chaos "hey chaos what's up" I said
"Oh well nothing much but well........I'm fading" I stood there with a shocked expression on my face "you're fading" I said still shocked "oh gods, oh gods I..I can't believe It it's ludicrous" lady chaos just stood there with a nervous/happy look on her face "percy I knew this was going to happen Ikindawantedtoknowifyouwouldletmetakeyouhome" she mumbled on the last words "what" lady chaos sighed "I said I kinda wanted to know if you would let me take you" home"I stood there with a stupid goofy looking grin on my face "of course I would be happy if you would take me home since its been a while since I've been there" I said with that stupid grin still on my face then suddenly my mom hugged me yes I remembered who I was now I was Perseus Jackson son of lady chaos and heir to the throne and soon to be primidoral I looked towards Talia she wasn't there I looked at my mom "where is Talia mom" I said "well...she's at the hunters camp site right now telling artemis that you've dissapeared" she said then wouldn't look at me in the eyes "what I have to go stop her" I exclaimed then mom said "Percy wait you can't tell her yet" my mom said "why not ooh that's right I can't be seen" I said in an annoyed/sarcastic voice then my mom slapped me upside the head and said "Perseus Jackson don't talk to your mother like that" chaos exclaimed "oww OK I'm sorry jeez can't say anything" I mumbled on the last words "I heard that percy" my mom said "fine I'm really sorry this time" I said my mom stood there with a smirk on her face "good let's go home then so you can be crowned king my son imagine that king well I saw this coming since I am the creator of the universe""

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