A Hero's Welcome

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  2 years of getting my ass kicked and getting laughed at, jokingly of course.I was finally almost done with     my universal lessons, i was told by my mother that i was  meet my family in the throne room . I walked in to the throne room and it was pitch black inside i couldn't see my hand in front of my face. suddenly as if  a the lights were turned on i was blinded by light and my family members were standing in front of me with scary looks on their faces that would even make zeus want to curl up into  a ball and cry.the my mother stepped foward and said "Perseus Jackson you have mastered every technique in the universe that will hep your fighting but there is one more thing you must swear that you will abide by ancient laws and never alter the space time continum", "I swear" I said." you must also swear to never alter the life of a living being and the planet itself for your own desires or may you be stripped of your powers if you do not abide by the ancient laws" "I swear" I said again. my mother then said "all hail Perseus Jackson king of the universe and ultimate ruler." my mother then said "Percy we wish to bless you with powers over our domains" "will it hurt" i asked "Yes quite a bit" was my mothers reply. I then nodded yes for them to bless me. The primordials then said a scentence in greek which when translated said "protect this man from dying from having too much power enter his body at once since they are our ultimate powers" then multiple beams of light hit me at once and the force knocked me to the ground and when  the beams stopped i knocked out

I woke up in the medical room on primordial planet for the second time in my life. I looked around and saw no one around me so I got up and walked to the throne room. on my way to the throne room it was strangeley quiet which wasn't normal. I got to the throne room and saw all the primordials comforting my mom. I cleared my throat and suddenly everyone's jaws hit the ground. my mom  was the one who spoke first "Percy how are you alive?" "what are you guys talking about i just woke up " i said Chronos then spoke and said "Percy what your mother is trying to say is that it looked like you had died when we all hit you with our powers." i let that sink in "oh" was all i could muster, we stood there for  minute at least until my mother ran to me and gave me a bone crushing hug so strong it could almost rival Tyson. I barely managed to say "Can't........breathe" and my mom let me go and apologized, but i said it was fine. "Well Percy its time for you to leave,But before you leave you should know your appearance has changed quite a bit with all the blessings of our domains"my mom said "well it cant have changed that much"I said with a smile I made a mirror appear in front of me and i noticed that my eyes were not the same it was a mixture of silver and sea green,my wings had changed from black too the colors of the primordials and each feather was a different color,my upper torso was toned so i had a six pack, my legs were toned too but they looked normal like as if i had worked out. the first thing i said was "Oh my gods why do I have to keep getting more handsome when I recieve more power" and everyone bust out laughing at that. when every one stopped laughing Chronos said "before we send you home you can pick 5 people to bring back to life. i automatically thought of the dead hunters who had died in battle. when I had the names of the hunters I was bringing back I said "I wish to bring back Zoe,Bianca,Phoebe,Naomi, and Celyn" as soon those names left my mouth The hunters appeared in front of me. They automatically turned around and aimed their bows at me. then Zoe, and Bianca tackled me in a hug.I was suprised at first but got over it quickly and hugged them back. Phoebe.Naomi, and Celyn stood there with deadly looks, if looks could kill and if I wasn't King of the universe I would have been dead. Eventually Zoe and Bianca had stopped hugging me because I couldnt breath. they then slapped me and asked where had I been and why had I not gone to the underworld to visit them. I then said "I'm sorry but I had been busy with other things". They accepeted my apology and then looked around and asked where they were. I replied "you are in the primordials throne room on primordial planet at least thats what I call it". My mother said "percy it is time for you to go home" I understood and then sudenly the world went black. I opened my eyes to find out that the primordials set us back to camp half blood. i could sense that Artemis was here at camp. I looked at Zoe and said "Zoe you and the rest of the girls who I bought back go find Artemis she's somewhere in the camp Zoe awnsered back "sure Percy but aren't you coming with us". I told her " I I'll be around helping look for her but I have a feeling she'll want to kill me for how long I've been gone". and with that the girls left to find Artemis. I stayed standing where I was for a bit then put on my hood and went to go find my goddess.

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