In the game

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Luke and I was having a good time together, but something change we dont hear, anyone.

Luke and I want on his bike to see where the heck is everyone. I look and I saw a school I told Luke that I m gonna check on the school.

He said to me be careful, I knod I started walking. In the school I screamed ahhh, I breath in and out.

Luke came running, whoa you ok? Yeah but she was a cheerleader how who did this?

I don't know, who ever the fuck did this is in the wrong place. Check the gmy, ill go I don't want to see any more body.

If I see any body im fucking getting out, I know your scared but we have to fine out who is doing this.

Wait what about Jack is he ok or dad or mom? Well check after the gym, come on.

We ran to the gym we saw all dead body, in the gym I feel like I'm in the horror movie.

Lets check home, I knod we hoped on Lukes bike, we already here come on.

Ill check mine you check your's I knod, I looked I called out mom, MOM MOM MIA MIA DAD DAD MIA.

June JUNE JUNE, that voice sound like Mia I have to get her. Mia are you ok? I'm scared they took mom and dad. Hey who did?

I don't know but it was talking like an alien, Hah you silly know one can talk like an alien, and Mia alien is not real.

Than Whats that, I turned around I started to scream, ahhhhhh, what is it Luke be careful.

Someone is behind you dont turn around, Luke looked up and started grabbing, us then we ran under the alien legs.

We started to fine the hiding spot, shit my weapon, is in my house. Mia stay here with Luke.

What no why? I'm grabbing that gun if I don't make it out a live, take care of my step sister. I'm coming with you, no Luke my step sister is only like 9 years old.

Ill be back I'm going in, you be careful, I started to knod. Then I walked in I forgot too tell him where is the gun fuck.

HEY AHH NO, stay here no leave her alone. NO LUKE STAY BACK, there is one. He jumped over the leg of the Alien, then grabbed the gun.

He shot the gun on the Alien leg then the alien dropped, me. Luke I'm not losing you, not again.

Wait my step sister, we both ran to see if she still there. No they took her why? I cried I want to be with her all my heart, I'm sorry I'm sorry.

I put my head on Luke arms, we both kiss each other. I sighed we were walking, then we saw an alien again.

We ran away from the alien but the alien caught me though, don't let go, I love you Luke ill always love you. The wind picked up I'm not letting you go.

I cried and I said I'm sorry I started to sobbed then the wind started to blow again. Then it was someone who came and got me, it was Jack I was happy but why?

Your not fucking getting to her aren't you, no Luke she's safe from the alien. Thank you, you thought I was someone else?

Who the fuck are you? Whoa language, sorry but who are you? I'm an alien hunter, I hunt alien.

You see that thing up there that was no cloud, that was an alien space ship. Take these gun it will the alien, what our friends or our parents.

Yeah there long gone and if you saw all those body there, dead. Dead, yes ma'am.

What so you mean my step sister will be dead soon? Oh that a lot of bull shit, Whatch your mouth and yeah, she will be dead.

This can't be happing I thought alien aren't real, this must be a dream. How about ill give you a kiss to see if it is a dream.

We both kiss each other, we both close are eyes. No it's not a dream it's real, I'm so sorry.

Whelp good luck you two, wait aren't you coming with us? Sorry kid I can't I have to stay here, and protect this planet.

Um Luke I feel like we are in the video game, both of us are real but the rest of our families, aren't real.

June then how do we get out? I don't know Luke, I feel like we are in the box of video game, but where we just home.

I don't think this place is even real, so we've been living a lie? I think so.

I think we need to escape there so much adventure, in here a lot, but Luke how the fuck are we gonna get out some people needs, to win this and get us out.

Wait what's that the other game, look someone is trying to win this game. I think its picking you.

No no no hang on, I can't my finger its slipping. Hey that person looks like Jack, he's dating Stephanie.

He moved on fast, hey is that picture of your ex. Yeah, you should go play her!
I don't think so she'll think I'm still in love with her, but aren't you.

I mean you did trapped Luke in the cave, that diffidently sounds like you still like her.

So you did trapped him in the cave you monster!! Hey he can't here us listen listen to me, he can't hear us.

But I heard everything, so Jack did a chuckle, so what? Jack I m saying are you going to ask her back.

She's with someone else, she's with Luke, oh the new kid. Heh are you afraid, Pfft no if I was I wouldn't fight him.

Lets just play this game, hhm I don't know what character, I should choose.
Oh pick that girl, my ex come on I mean she's famous in school.

Ok the wind picked up, heh hang on wait Luke let go of me. What? if Jack wins this game I can get you out.

I hope you know what you are doing? I know I love you. Love you too, we both let go of each other.

The game guide talked you must attack each clinks, which clinks do you want to attack.

All these characters looks like one from real life, it shure does choose her sister. what? I mean her step sister is  annoying, so if she annoying she's annoying.

Ugh come on just choose alredy, ok I choose step dad. Dad, hi sweetie im taking you down.

I started to fight I did my kicked I did a back flip, I hit I did a lot of Kung Fu stuff.

Which I didn't know I have, you win, Jack won the game im free. I can get out , whoa whoaaaaa, heh.

It worked im back im back, I laugh im free im free, I started to gasp first I almost forgot to free Luke.

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