Chapter Eighteen: Slaughter

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"Gunther!!!" Eren screamed out in horror.

Go, kid!!!" Oruo yelled and he snatched his hoodie, yanking him along. "C'mon!!! Keep moving!!!"

Eren turned following behind, tears rolling down his cheeks.


Memories of him over the past month filled his head.

"We— We're just leaving him?!" He stuttered in protest.

The figure emerged from the canopy above them, swooping towards them.

"Who is that?!" Petra gasped in shock.

"Keep 'em away from Eren!!!" Eld ordered from ahead.

"Damn it!!!" Oruo hissed. "Hey, Eld!!! What're we doing, huh?!"

"There isn't time to get the horses!!!" Eld stated. "Make for HQ at full speed!!!"

They doubled their gas intake, speeding up as they zipped through the trees.

"Is that the Female Titan?!" Oruo pondered. "Or did she have an accomplice?!"

"Damn!!!" Petra growled. "Whoever it is, they're gonna pay even if it's the last thing I do!!!"

The figure disappeared behind tree cover as they looked around frantically, preparing for an incoming attack.

Suddenly, yellow lighting struck the ground behind them, as a glowing explosion rocked the ground.

"I hate being right!!!" Oruo huffed in regret.

"No time to lose, move it!!!" Eld screamed out. "She's coming for us!!!"

The Female Titan burst out of the smoke with a growl, charging after them.

"Damn you!!!" Eren hissed. "Not again! I'll kill you! I swear I will!!!"

Eren pulled his hand to his mouth, preparing to transform.

"No! Don't!" Eld ordered. "We've got this! The four of us can handle her! You get back to base!!! Go!!! Now!!!"

"I can fight her too!!!" Eren protested in shock.

"Just go!!!" Eld spat. "This is our best course of action! We can not afford to put you at risk!!!"

"Have you learned nothing?!" Oruo growled. "After all this, you still doubt our skills?!"

"Is that true Eren?!" Petra gasped as tears built in her eyes. "I thought you had faith in us. That you trusted us!!!"

Eren grit his teeth in frustration, staring down.

"I have faith in the Levi squad!!!" He decided, speeding ahead of them. "Good luck!!!"

"Alright, guys you ready?!" Eld chuckled, unsheathing his swords. "Time to do what we do best."

They synchronized their movements, propelling themselves towards the Female Titan.

Eld released a war cry, slicing at her hands, dodging her retaliation.

Petra and Oruo used the distraction to reel themselves in, yanking their blades through the monsters eyes.

The Female Titan roared out in agony, falling back against a massive tree, quickly placing her hands over her nape.

Petra and Eld grappled upward over the Titan,  flipping through the air as they slashed the muscles in the monster's arms with a spin.

Oruo let out a laugh as he slid across the ground, propelling himself behind her, slicing the back of her ankles.

The Female Titan's legs gave out as she fell to her knees.

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